Problem getting branded nutes. Please help.


Hey guys,

First off I'd like to say that RIU is such a great forum full of nice people helping each other out and sharing their knowledge and I'm glad to be here.

Hope you can help me out with getting my first grow started. After doing a lot of reading and researching I've got some sort of vague plan on how my first grow is going to be. Most of the equipment I would get for a hydro grow I am able to order online. However I am having some difficulties with the nutes.

Please let me explain that I am currently not living in Europe or America and where I am now does not have any hydro shops whatsoever.

Every other thread is about people using Foxfarm or GH nutes but these brands just aren't available to me here.

Where I am there is an ok range of Miracle-gro as well as a small range of Schultz as well as Yates.

There are also an OK range of various plant nutients for aquarium plants.

I would like to ask for an experienced hand to enlighted me on a few questions.

1. Can I use nutes that are ment for soil grows for my hydroponic grow?

2. Are there any specific products from the brands mentioned above that is suitable?

3. Is there anything useful that I can get from pet stores from the aquarium section?

4. When I am out and about, what other plants use similar nutes? Should I look at stuff for tomatoes/roses/cactus etc..? Sometimes there will be 1 brand but for different types of plants so I need to know what I should keep my eye on.

I went looking around the stores today and saw a few products I'd like to run by you guys.

a. Yates Thrive Concentrate

b. Schultz Starter Plus Slow Release Plant Food

c. Bonide Root and Grow 4 10 3

d. Bayer 2 in 1 Rose Flower Care

I also stumbled across the following product HB 101. I'd appreciate it if you could check out the product page and let me know what you think.

This nute problem is really making me tear my hair out. I really need to have everything in place before I start growing because where I am from if something screws up I dont think I can afford to wait 10-14 days to have something delivered from the US or UK.
Tents/Lights/Fans/Kits/Meters I can all order but I don't think customs will allow liquid nutrients and stuff to get into the country so I will have to source these locally.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Hope to hear from you soon!

p/s: didn't list any miracle gro stuff coz there seems to be not much people here that would recommend it, but as a last resort their product line is also available here so let me know if they have anything worth looking out for.



If I am not mistaken I would need a permit from the Department of Agriculture to import nutes.
I am though very tempted to try and order a small amount to see if it passes but I'm not sure...don't want it to be seized and destroyed.
Has anyone had experience in importing nutes internationally?


Well-Known Member
If I am not mistaken I would need a permit from the Department of Agriculture to import nutes.
I am though very tempted to try and order a small amount to see if it passes but I'm not sure...don't want it to be seized and destroyed.
Has anyone had experience in importing nutes internationally?
There for any type of plants.So what could they say??


i think most nute brands have a line of hydro plant foods
There are no hydroponic shops in this country, so the garden centers don't stock specific hydroponic nutes.

There for any type of plants.So what could they say??
I would need to fill a form which takes at least 1 month to process. Some of the information I do not have and some of the information I do not feel comfortable in putting in the system. Such as:

Name and address of importer
Scientific Name Common Name Quantity/unit Country of origin
Name and Address of Exporter
Address of the research centre / area where the plants will be grown:
Address where the consignment is stored in transit:


Never heard of that??

err yeah, things work rather differently this side of the world...

anyway, hope this thread doesn't get sidetracked.... anyone else can answer my questions in the first post?

would be greatly appreciated. thank you


Active Member
I’m in the UK and bought some Biobizz stuff online. It was only a few £ for a large-ish bottle and it’s for vegetating and flowering. You only use a couple of ML in a 1 litre water as well. Grow going well so far on it and I know the product has been highly recommended by growers. It’s cheap and I don’t need to bother about other nutes... plus my soil is just regular, PH neutral indoor plant soil.


Active Member

That's the exact bottle I have and I put like 2ml in with every litre of water. I think it's really potent stuff so don't over-do it like I did first time around!!! (I put about 20ml in with a litre LOL).


Hi Amnesia,

Thanks for taking the time to reply, but I'm not in the UK or the US.
I will though keep a look out for the product you recommended.
Can it be used in a hydro setup? I notice you are using it with soil.


Active Member
Hi Amnesia,

Thanks for taking the time to reply, but I'm not in the UK or the US.
I will though keep a look out for the product you recommended.
Can it be used in a hydro setup? I notice you are using it with soil.

Hey - I don't see why you can't use it in a hydro system. I'm really not qualified to answer though. They just seem to be doing a decent job on mine and the Biobizz range has had really good feedback from fellow growers. The best thing to do is do a 'trial' run on the nutes you can get hold of and remember that less is more. Don't get too caught up in the nutrient dilemma - as long as it contains the right stuff with the right percentages then go with it.

For what it's worth, the stuff I'm using is 8% nitrogen (4% ammonium + 4% nitrate) 2% phosphorus and 6% potassium.


okay, thanks..
i will try and get a high pixel mobile phone and take some pics of the different bottles of nutes available.

should i look out for stuff which is advertised to grow tomatoes?

anything to get from pet (fish) stores?
