Problem with leaves (yellow and dry)

AJ Toker

Well-Known Member
My plants are on day 17 since the seeds sprouted out of the soil. I am using a 400w MH light. My temps are a bit high, around 80 - 85, and my humidity is low, around 20%. I am using soil that has some minor nutes in it. I water every day now, as the cups dry out quick. I have one gallon planters that I will be planting them into today, and I will be using some Fox Farm or similar top quality soil. I will also be getting an air cooled reflector.

Do you think by doing the above (reflector to lower temps, bigger containers, quality soil) my plants will start to recover? Or, is it possibly a humidity issue? Perhaps I need to use more nutes?

Below are some pictures. Please let me know what you think the problem is. Thanks.


AJ Toker

Well-Known Member
Thanks. You don't think they look to sickly with the yellowing on the bottom, and the drooping?

I think I might be over watering. I let the soil get dry...but maybe on the bottom of the cup where I can't get my finger its super moist.

Hopefully with the new containers they will get better.

The soil is Sta-Green water holding from Lowes. Its 0.14-0.11-0.08 with nutes, and has those water holding things to help prevent over and under watering. It is mixed with vermiculite. Its about 70% soil, and 30% vermiculite.

AJ Toker

Well-Known Member
Ok, cool, thanks.

I think the bigger pots and the cooler temps should fix it, too.

Anyone know what issues might come about because of the lower humidity?


Well-Known Member
the lower the humidity the better, first it prevents mildew and mold. second it helps your medium dry quicker. the faster you can dry the more nutes your ladies can intake. meaning that if they get fed once or even twice a day they will get chubby or in medical terms obese lol

AJ Toker

Well-Known Member
Ok, good to know. I mist the leaves every day very lightly. I was hoping that would help with the low humidity. A lot of people say it needs to be like 50% to 60% so I was unsure if that would be a big problem.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
your still in the veg state you want the humidity up

this is from the growfaq
What range should I maintain for my growroom humidity and temperature?

Daytime conditions should be 70-80 degrees without co2, 80-90 degrees with co2 until the last two weeks when daytime temps should be kept between 70-80 and co2 can be reduced to adjust for the lower metabolism. Night temperatures should be kept above 60 degrees to prevent stress. It is preferrable during flowering to have a night temperature drop of 10-20 degrees to stimulate flowering hormones and reduce stem elongation.

I find that low humidity causes stress on plants. I recommend 50-60% humidity until the final 2 weeks of flowering. At this point, the humidity should be lowered as much as possible to encourage the plant to seal and protect itself with additional resin. (I am able to get the humidity to go as low as 31%) I have been able to frost things up considerably this way. The higher humidity levels prior to final ripening reduce salt levels within the plant tissue and encourage healthy, more lush growth.
Added on: Saturday, March 24, 2007 Viewed: 4051 times

AJ Toker

Well-Known Member
Ok, thanks. Not much I can do about humidity right now, so it'll have to be low.

Is misting the plants twice a day any good when my humidity is low, or should I cut that shit out?

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
Ok, thanks. Not much I can do about humidity right now, so it'll have to be low.

Is misting the plants twice a day any good when my humidity is low, or should I cut that shit out?
that should be ok just want to make sure the lights are not too close or the plants will burn. you want to stop the misting after the first couple of weeks of 12/12 so your flowers to get moldy. humidifiers are pretty cheap, i may get one this year and see how it works.

AJ Toker

Well-Known Member
The space is pretty small for vegging, so I don't know if i'd be able to fit a humidifier. Maybe i'll try some MacGyver style shit.

AJ Toker

Well-Known Member
I repotted. I just used the soil with vermiculite I had still. After repotting and putting the plants back into the room, the temps have dropped. It is now staying around 78. I am not sure why. Perhaps the black container absorb some of the light or I have the plants spaced out better. Not to sure, but I like it. Hopefully this will correct my yellowing leaves. Thanks for the help guys.

AJ Toker

Well-Known Member
Also my humidity is slowly rising. Maybe because there is a shitload more soil in the room, with more moisture in the soil, the air is getting moister? I dunno why, but I like it.