Problems on the other side of the world


Active Member
Hello, all. Let's just say I'm in a country with a whole lot of people; and not many of the products you are familiar with.

I started a crop about 10 weeks ago; had to leave it with someone else, 8 out of 10 died. The two I have left are stunted, half the leave are alligator hide looking. Some deformed leaves. Probably nute burn; but I've been checking with a Ferry Morse electric soil tester which consistently reads a little low on ferts, 7 more or less on pH. Started in a local potting soil, after 3 weeks a little miracle grow 20-20-20. Flushed when i got back and saw the damage, repotted in just dirt and a little peat type stuff.

Started another batch which is doing a lot better. But now I'm seeing well demarcated yellow spots on the lower leaves of several. All readings on the meter are normal pH, a little low on the ferts.

I'm using 400w MH, water when the soil is dry, temp 20-30c, small fan blowing above them.

thanks for looking.



Well-Known Member
sorry bro not a clue to help you ,, but maybe you should also share the lights you are using the nutes , the grow area .. , with all the info someone here can help im sure of it ..Good luck .


Active Member
thanks for the look. i'm using 400w mh light, actually the kind used for billboards or large buildings; thats all thats available here. plants are on a 3x3' table, about 10-12 inches from the bulb itself; started further and slowly moved closer. all are seeds from canadian bank; cocoa kush, which looks like indicus or primarily ind. hybrid, and 'house mix' probably more sativa. the house mix is much more robust.

the fist batch was probably killed with nutes; calculated wrong. but i use a potting soil available here that's poorly labeled; they said it had some feed in it, but it tests 'low' on my ferry morse tester.

anyone use these cheap ferry morse electric pH/fertility testers?

i think it's a soil problem. so two problems;

old plants have wrinkled, alligator hide looking leaves; some deformed with half the leaf undeveloped. some lower lear yellowing. very slow growing, but one is 11" at 10weeks veg.

some new plants have round spots only on the lower leaves, edges and tips mostly clean. growth much better, leaves not deformed.