Problems, problems everywhere..... (White widow)


Active Member
My plants recently started doing something similar. It looks to be mg/phosphorus def. What do you water with? I'd imagine you keep track of ph as you've made it this far with normal looking growth. Any chance it's getting root bound? Or is it in an appropriately sized pot? I personally, if adequate potting, and correct ph, would give a good dose of an NPK food and maybe add a little cal/mag or Epsom salts. But it looks like a combination of defs to me.



Well-Known Member
Could be water uptake too. Plants get their nutrition with water absorption. If humidity is too high, the plant can't absorb. Uncommon, not unheard of. Possibly iron? Can't see if it's hydro or soil

Grandpa GreenJeans

Well-Known Member
My plants recently started doing something similar. It looks to be mg/phosphorus def. What do you water with? I'd imagine you keep track of ph as you've made it this far with normal looking growth. Any chance it's getting root bound? Or is it in an appropriately sized pot? I personally, if adequate potting, and correct ph, would give a good dose of an NPK food and maybe add a little cal/mag or Epsom salts. But it looks like a combination of defs to me.

Yeah I agree, root bound plants act retarded and do weird shit. I'd lean towards that first, since pH is carefully monitored. Or if not then it's obviously nutrient or watering rate.

Grandpa GreenJeans

Well-Known Member
Iron typically shows from the other leaf tips, the end coming off the petiole. I Deff see a phosphorus Deff. Just not sure if it's a direct or indirect deficiency.

Phosphates are slow moving and hard to leach out especially if they're of organic origin.
If P is in question, I'd re evaluate the rate of watering. Excessively wet soils don't allow P uptake.


Well-Known Member
Iron typically shows from the other leaf tips, the end coming off the petiole. I Deff see a phosphorus Deff. Just not sure if it's a direct or indirect deficiency.

Normally, yes but not always. And iron messes with how the plant uses Ca, Mg, and phosphorus


Active Member
Phosphates are slow moving and hard to leach out especially if they're of organic origin.
If P is in question, I'd re evaluate the rate of watering. Excessively wet soils don't allow P uptake.

Yeah this is why I said I don't know the root of the def, just that it's looking typically symptomatic of P-. Could be off ph, could be getting root bound, could be over watering etc. Not sure if the P is unavailable, or if conditions for uptake are not ideal. Some parameters to check over anyways.


Grandpa GreenJeans

Well-Known Member
Also.... all plants have a range with pH that allows the uptake. A healthy soil will fluctuate from 6.2 - 7. It's the growers burden to recognize this and visually or recordably adjust the I'm going pH as to allow the needed nutrient. Let it rise to 7 and then drop it back down to 6.2 so it can rise again.

Organics like supersoil just need water. But I still like to adjust and stabilize at 6.5. And let the soil and microbes do the work with pH fixation.


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha yes, of course, I assumed it was. If it's hydro, it's likely either ph, inadequate feeding, or root issues causing the def, also humidity could play a part in the transpiration of leaves and uptake from the media.

Or a pissed gf wanting to get back at you for eating the last bowl of cereal; dumping bleach. True story

...need more info


Well-Known Member
phosphorus favours the absorption of magnesium, so a shortage of phosphorus could also lead to a magnesium deficiency if the latter is present in small quantities

maybe overwater has caused what grandpa jeans said and in turn caused a shortage of mg cause to me imo it looks like mg def and phos def and overwater would cause it