Problems with flowering


Well-Known Member
ok so ive got 10 plants outside. One of them has already gone through its entire flowering cycle and has been picked, 5 of them have started flowering and are in roughly week 3-4 and the rest of them are still in vegg with no signs that they have starteed to flower, like the massive growth of new small leaves and hairs etc. Im not sure if im just being paranoid or not but it being already almost the end august should i be worried the other plants that havnt started flowering already wont have enough time to fully mature??. Has any1 else had any problems simular to this, i live in southern ontario and all of the plants are in the same area so what could the problem be??.

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
Genetic differences. Even when buying seed from suppliers that advertise strains with specific traits it is incredibly diffcult to isolate plants entirely to prevent possible pollen-contamination. A few more days of patience and they should soon show their true colors.