Professional Opinion?


Active Member
Sounds like a root fungas. This can be checked by looking at the roots and seeing the color. White? Tan? Brown? ( Should not be brown)
Overwatering can 'drown' your plant by blocking access to oxygen that it needs.
Fungas kills the roots and prevents uptake of nutes.

A root problem generally manifests itself with the lower fan leaves going first, then it progresses up the plant until it kills it. She can't feed normally so she is canabalizing herself for what she needs to survive. Taking the nutriants from the least needed source, the stuff on the bottom.

Flushing with an H2O2 solution can kill the fungas and save the plant ( if its not too far gone by now ).

I may be wrong though, its been known to happen :)


Well-Known Member


Active Member
What else can I tell you? Haven't been using any nutes except molasses and water (college problems), but may find the funds if at all necessary, I water 1/3 gal every couple days or so, whenever the soil gets dry a couple inches down. It's been getting pretty hot in the grow room but never more than peaking at around 85.


Active Member
Still I'd like to know anyone?
What soil are you using? Have you added anything to it? The importance of not letting the soil dry out, ever, cannot be stressed enough, this will exacerbate whatever other issues you have. Have you been monitoring the pH of the water going in?


Active Member
Some miracle grow organic. Was using tiger bloom big bloom until i ran out about a week into flowering. Had a ph meter for a while and it was always at a comfy 6.2-6.4 but have been letting a buddy use it. I only used distilled water


Active Member
Some miracle grow organic. Was using tiger bloom big bloom until i ran out about a week into flowering. Had a ph meter for a while and it was always at a comfy 6.2-6.4 but have been letting a buddy use it. I only used distilled water
How often were you using the bloom nutrients? & at what dose? How long since the last dose? A deficiency has arose probably from a build up of salts in the soil from a "schedule" of over-feeding. If this is the issue, then the soils pH will have become imbalanced and this will have caused one or more of the nutrients to become locked-out, letting soil dry too much between waters will make this problem worse.


Active Member
Looks like a lack of N to me but I could be off. Anyone have any ideas? It's only on the very bottom leaves and working its way up. The Stem towards the top also has some red lines working their way down, not sure if this is normal.View attachment 2415912View attachment 2415913View attachment 2415914Edit: Pictures now!
As for the red lines on the stem, this is a common genetic trait in some strains, and not to be confused with a phosphorus deficiency, as I'm sure some might claim it is. All I can really comment on is the excessive stem elongation. How far is the plant from the light source?


Active Member
I was using it at about 1/4 strength every 3rd watering or so, I thought it was too little but I didn't have much. Didnt use it til after a month and a half of growing. Haven't used any in a couple weeks. Do you think I should flush it out? It's an autoflower is the only thing like 3 1/2 weeks into flowering


Active Member
I was using it at about 1/4 strength every 3rd watering or so, I thought it was too little but I didn't have much. Didnt use it til after a month and a half of growing. Haven't used any in a couple weeks. Do you think I should flush it out? It's an autoflower is the only thing like 3 1/2 weeks into flowering
Even at a 1/4 strength it may still have been too much & the frequency, almost for sure too often. If a salt build up has accumulated a flush could remedy it, but for now, try just watering it with adjusted water for about 7 to 10 days to see if there is any improvement, and remember to water it thoroughly until you get some run off & not to let it dry out between waters, this cannot be stressed enough. Don't drowned her, just make sure the soil is always moist.


Active Member
Word thanks for the tips. I actually found out my crappy little thermometer was pretty much stuck at around 80-85. So i bought a new one and it was consistently at 92 so I found the main problem. I put in a couple more fans and opened the window to the room and door to the closet, now got a nice 77 goin. But the humidity still seems surprisingly high at about 60%

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
I disagree with everything this dude has said, you need to feed keep feeding them, but lose the distilled water. I bet you haven't replaced any cal/mag while using that distilled water.
That dude is way off base and is way over complicating things.

1st. You Must let the soil dry in between waterings
2ncd. you can't have a salt build up feeding them molasses and water,
3rd. purple or red stems can come from a cal/mag def. from using distilled water
4th. fox farms big bloom is only a base nutrient. you need the rest to make it complete so you can have a complete feeding of all nutirents. sound a little more on point?


Active Member
I disagree with everything this dude has said, you need to feed keep feeding them, but lose the distilled water. I bet you haven't replaced any cal/mag while using that distilled water.
That dude is way off base and is way over complicating things.

1st. You Must let the soil dry in between waterings
2ncd. you can't have a salt build up feeding them molasses and water,
3rd. purple or red stems can come from a cal/mag def. from using distilled water
4th. fox farms big bloom is only a base nutrient. you need the rest to make it complete so you can have a complete feeding of all nutirents. sound a little more on point?
I don't think you have been paying attention have you. You are off on so many points I'm not even going to argue. The advice I give is based on tried & tested methods that work and from learning from mistakes, unlike some who think they are experts from reading a few post on a cannabis forum...

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
I don't think you have been paying attention have you. You are off on so many points I'm not even going to argue. The advice I give is based on tried & tested methods that work and from learning from mistakes, unlike some who think they are experts from reading a few post on a cannabis forum...
your advise is so wrong it's hilarious.


Active Member
your advise is so wrong it's hilarious.
Ok pal, calm down. We know on what side of the fence of knowledge you sit on, stop with the personal attacks & go give your, obviously inexperienced, "advice" elsewhere. And your comment on me "over-complicating" things is frankly laughable, if you read some of my other posts you will see how far off you really are.


Active Member
Word thanks for the tips. I actually found out my crappy little thermometer was pretty much stuck at around 80-85. So i bought a new one and it was consistently at 92 so I found the main problem. I put in a couple more fans and opened the window to the room and door to the closet, now got a nice 77 goin. But the humidity still seems surprisingly high at about 60%
Let me know how you get on.