promix hp noob

hi noob to soil growing here switching from coco tired of watering everyday, i have lucas 6/9, flora nova bloom, koolbloom powder and lots of organic things,mykos and azos.. i got one bin with 1/2cup lilly miller dolomite ,one with out,They are pretty dry!. they will be stored for a few weeks and some left for a few months should i water the mixes or mist them, i was researching promix and someone had saud the bail getting wet had ruined it something about the lime activateing. so should i leave it dry till planting? how should i treat it, water it,and nute it with clones and then transplanting

Also i am gonna use botanicare pro grow with calmag on some
and then something else nova maybe h@g soil a and b the bio says needs calcium added in flower, but they dont tell how, so its a/b vs 1componet system


Well-Known Member
I run a 50/50 promix hp / coco mixture. I target 6.0 - 6.1 & usually get runoff at 5.8 ish.

I feed gh three part & calimagic @1000 ppm. I water with lots of drainage to prevent salt build up.
ya coco needs alot of run off for me and getting the calmag right. only tryed botanicare calmag but it causes its own problems , lots of run off is a waist of nutes and work! i have seen many soil grows with no run off doing great years ago thought i would save a month of searching and ask , i herd the name krome being a good promix grower but cant seem to find him