Proper procedure to sell to clubs?


Active Member
Im a noob to being a medical marijuana patient. my gf just got hers and im up next. (just need to actually PAY for the card). which i will do on friday.

my question is what is the proper procedure to sell to the clubs?

do you simply just walk in with some sample of your weed and ask if they like to purchase?

do you phone in ahead of time and state you have marijuana for sell and are a patient that has X amount of X type of bud?

or what?

i just dont wanna look like a freakin moron when the time comes to unload the extra.

what has worked best for those in california...mainly the BAY AREA!

any list of clubs known to buy on a regular basis? ones that pay decent dollar for weight?

going to be growing big bang next time around currently got purple wreck going.

thoughts plz?

im sure many would like to know besides myself.

thanks is advance.


Well-Known Member
and if i do walk in/phone in WHO specifically should i ask to speak to about purchasing weight?
Most Dispensaries would think you are trying to set them up, just walking in trying to sell herb to them. Most people who sell to Dispensaries already have a relationship previously with them.

I wouldn't try rushing into trying to grow for money. I would focus on getting to know people in the business, buy herb from them, develop a rapport with a few dispensaries. Going into a Dispensary for the first time and up to the owner and saying " I'm a registered MMJ grower and I would like to sell you some MMJ at a good price"..... is a sure way to be told to leave and don't come back.

I know a few Caregivers and they all built a foundation of trust with the Dispensaries in my city first as customers with those Dispensaries who grew for themselves , buying clones, and grams of different herb,then later started growing for the Dispensaries when they started becoming Caregivers for other people, some of which they met at the Dispensaries.This is something your going to have to go into slowly. If not your going to make a lot of people nervous and not want to deal with you.


Well-Known Member
most around here dont buy they take it on consignment....meaning they front it from you...then after they give people the marijuana and recive donations their soposed to compensate you for the marijuana-pay you. i have never done this...some stores have a good reputation some dont. be carefull who you try to help


Well-Known Member
and if i do walk in/phone in WHO specifically should i ask to speak to about purchasing weight?

...spoken like a true drug dealer.

think about it. You JUST got your card... hooray. Now let's 'move this weight to some bay area clubs'. That's NOT what MMJ licenses are supposed to be for, in case nobody told you.

-FYI there are folks in that area sitting on POUNDS they cannot move right now, so good luck with that.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Im a noob to being a medical marijuana patient. my gf just got hers and im up next. (just need to actually PAY for the card). which i will do on friday.

my question is what is the proper procedure to sell to the clubs?
Most clubs have their own procedures.

do you simply just walk in with some sample of your weed and ask if they like to purchase?
If you do that 9 times out of 10 some idiot at the club will gladly accept your sample, smoke it himself, and never call you back.

Better thing to do is walk in with everything you want to sell them and ask to speak to the buyer. If they say "he's not here but I'd be glad to take a look at it" then ask when the buyer will be back. Random people who work at clubs love to jerk you around for free buds.

If the buyer asks for a sample, then give him what he asks for.

do you phone in ahead of time and state you have marijuana for sell and are a patient that has X amount of X type of bud?
Not unless they specially request you do this. Just walk in.

i just dont wanna look like a freakin moron when the time comes to unload the extra.
Everyone looks like a moron when they start vending. Gotta pay your dues! Suck it up!

what has worked best for those in california...mainly the BAY AREA!
A little tip for you. Most bay area clubs won't even look at your stuff unless you have a full pound of it.

any list of clubs known to buy on a regular basis? ones that pay decent dollar for weight?
No one is going to give that info up right now. The market is fierce at the moment. Sorry dude.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
most around here dont buy they take it on consignment....meaning they front it from you...then after they give people the marijuana and recive donations their soposed to compensate you for the marijuana-pay you. i have never done this...some stores have a good reputation some dont. be carefull who you try to help
I do this with a few clubs. I try them out with whatever minimum weight they'll take on consignment. When they pay me, then I bring em more.

I like consignment clubs because most cash up front clubs make you fill out a t-99. Fuck that shit. I'd rather risk losing my buds than have the government know I'm vending.


Active Member
to all those bashing me...

my gf n i both have cards because we use marijuana for medical benefit and from time to time we use it for the "fun" of being high.

I started out using MJ for fun when i was in my early i use it for its medicinal value. works good for my anxiety, pain...and the occasional migraines i get.

my gf got hers for her migraines (she has them 2 times a week).

I was just asking because i know full well that i will have much more than my gf and i will need. I noticed some people run ads on craigslist moving their excess but i was inquiring about clubs because it seems a lot less "Stress free" in the sense I wouldnt have to worry about, "is they guy shady? is he gonna pull out a gun and rob me?" etc. That actually DOES happen on craigslist. and yes in my area too. its made the news quite a few times for people robbing people on there. not for MJ here that ive heard of but if someone will meet you and rob you for a used ps2 (worth next to nothing compared to an ounce) then they will surely do it for a QP or whatnot.

I want to have this semi-figured out so when its harvest time im not stressing as to what im going to do with the excess or driving and hr any direction to unload it piece by piece.

Im not a drug dealer. Im a regular guy.

It doesnt really matter to me if i prove that to anyone because those closest to me know that im not and thats all that should matter right?

i was just hoping someone who has done it with success would drop in and leave a few good tips that have proven to work for them.


Active Member
to all those bashing me...

my gf n i both have cards because we use marijuana for medical benefit and from time to time we use it for the "fun" of being high.

I started out using MJ for fun when i was in my early i use it for its medicinal value. works good for my anxiety, pain...and the occasional migraines i get.

my gf got hers for her migraines (she has them 2 times a week).

I was just asking because i know full well that i will have much more than my gf and i will need. I noticed some people run ads on craigslist moving their excess but i was inquiring about clubs because it seems a lot less "Stress free" in the sense I wouldnt have to worry about, "is they guy shady? is he gonna pull out a gun and rob me?" etc. That actually DOES happen on craigslist. and yes in my area too. its made the news quite a few times for people robbing people on there. not for MJ here that ive heard of but if someone will meet you and rob you for a used ps2 (worth next to nothing compared to an ounce) then they will surely do it for a QP or whatnot.

I want to have this semi-figured out so when its harvest time im not stressing as to what im going to do with the excess or driving and hr any direction to unload it piece by piece.

Im not a drug dealer. Im a regular guy.

It doesnt really matter to me if i prove that to anyone because those closest to me know that im not and thats all that should matter right?

i was just hoping someone who has done it with success would drop in and leave a few good tips that have proven to work for them.
gotta understand buddy, when you first get your card, and you start going around asking to sell and buy weight, it doesent look suspicious?

Of course not :blsmoke:


Active Member
gotta understand buddy, when you first get your card, and you start going around asking to sell and buy weight, it doesent look suspicious?

Of course not :blsmoke:
the reason im asking so soon is because i had a grow going BEFORE i even applied for the card (or even before my GF did)...

granted i still have like 2 months to go but i didnt wanna wait till i have it all harvested and be sitting on more than im legally allowed to with no way of getting rid of it.

craigslist looks like an easy way to go about it but the fear of being set up weighs heavily on my mind and was looking for a safer alternative.

im not looking to be "rich". im not looking for $3K a pound either...$1800-$2200 is all im looking for per lb.

the thought of getting rid of a lb or even a half lb to a complete stranger on Craigslist is risky to me. but maybe im over reacting.


Active Member
the reason im asking so soon is because i had a grow going BEFORE i even applied for the card (or even before my GF did)...

granted i still have like 2 months to go but i didnt wanna wait till i have it all harvested and be sitting on more than im legally allowed to with no way of getting rid of it.

craigslist looks like an easy way to go about it but the fear of being set up weighs heavily on my mind and was looking for a safer alternative.

im not looking to be "rich". im not looking for $3K a pound either...$1800-$2200 is all im looking for per lb.

the thought of getting rid of a lb or even a half lb to a complete stranger on Craigslist is risky to me. but maybe im over reacting.
if you're scared of getting robbed, go strapped.