Pruning half dead leafs


Active Member
G'day guys, not sure if im in right section

i am just curious iv recently ova fertilized my plant and iv flushed it so its all back to normal but i want to know if i prune the half burnt leaves would this stress my plant?

should i just let these leafs deal with themselves?



Active Member
its still in veg and quiet small at the moment, so u think this would be fine!

just double checking, thanks for the reply.


New Member
its still in veg and quiet small at the moment, so u think this would be fine!

just double checking, thanks for the reply.

no dont cut any leaves off the plant they will eventually die and fall of naturally.



Well-Known Member
if its almost dead , then cut it. I just helped alot of dieing babies that way! your plants will "overwork" themselves tryin to fix those leaves so its better just to get rid of the almost dead shit, that way the plant fixes your lil pinch and now it can focus on the good part. PICS would help!
another thing is you dont want to start pinching shit if EVERYTHING on the plant is doin bad (you have to leave somthin for the plant to "regrow"..........hope that makes sence! and GOOD LUCK!


New Member
if its almost dead , then cut it. I just helped alot of dieing babies that way! your plants will "overwork" themselves tryin to fix those leaves so its better just to get rid of the almost dead shit, that way the plant fixes your lil pinch and now it can focus on the good part. PICS would help!
another thing is you dont want to start pinching shit if EVERYTHING on the plant is doin bad (you have to leave somthin for the plant to "regrow"..........hope that makes sence! and GOOD LUCK!

bullshit mate dead leafs wont recover and should not be cut off and as i said they will fall of as the plant progresses(naturally).




Well-Known Member
bullshit mate dead leafs wont recover and should not be cut off and as i said they will fall of as the plant progresses(naturally).

like you said "dead leafs wont recover" so why leave them on . A plant is naturally going to try and save them leaves FIRST. We dont want the plants main priority to be dead leaves? i also didnt say pinch green shit off . i said if its almost dead (as in yellow with spots all over it) i dont mean a droopy yellowish leaf , i mean gettin ready to die leaves! sorry if you misunderstood me!
oh and stress is never good , so dont "strip" it down , just a few at a time.

grow space

Well-Known Member
yeah-dont cut of anything-the leave will fall or evantually and its a good food souce for your plant.if its all dead and ready to come of then you can just pick it off the plant.
about the stress-its not good in vegge, but a little bit stress at the final 1-2 week of harvest is good, cas it will make your bud a little more sticky and resionous.


New Member
i thought stress makes things stronger........supercropping doesnt help? i disagree but i'd love to hear more thoughts.
Marijuana Plant Stresses

Stress in marijuana plantsis caused by imbalances of the plant chemistry. Generally plant stress disrupts the normal chemical reactions happening within the plant and causes ethylene ( the aging hormone) to start developing in the cells.

A plant likes to have an average day with no surprises on any day of its life. Any unusual event in the marijuana plantslife will change its internal chemistry and result to slow growth. Some of the stress causes are

1) WATER STRESS: There is a lack of water or too much water for the plant to absorb. Water stress in marijuana plantscauses abscisic acid to build up and closes down the stomata.

2) NUTRIENT STRESS: Usually cased by too much, not enough, or an imbalance of the nutrients. This can attract diseases or nematodes (type of worm) and disrupt root function.

3) Mineral Stress: It is caused by mineral imbalance in plant tissues, usually due to nutrient problems or by adding to re-circulating mixes. This causes plant growth to slow. By the time the results are visible, the problem is already very advanced. It usually takes a week or so to recover from mineral stress.

4) PH STRESS: The PH of the nutrient solution is changing all the time as the plant uses the minerals in the surrounding nutrients and as the water is transpired by the leaves and evaporates from the nutrient solution. Wildly fluctuating PH will reduce the marijuana plantsnutrient uptake and cause deficiencies

5) AGE STRESS: AS a plant gets older, its nutrients need to change. A tissue analysis will show the plant using totally different quantities of each nutrient as it ages. In highly supercharged garden systems, the nutrient fed to marijuana plantsis different for each week of growth. Mature or ageing marijuana plantsneed far less nutrients.

6) IRREGULAR LIGHT CYCLES: These will change the hormonal balance in marijuana plantsthat use the length of light and dark to tell when to flower.

7) PLANT DAMAGE: Any damage causes the plant to change its chemistry to repair the damaged are of the plant

:cool: ROOT DAMAGE: Either physical or chemical causes the plant to divert its chemistry to keep the roots advancing and creating new root hairs to absorb food. Roots can’t actually rebuild themselves when damaged; they just seal off the damaged section and move around it.

9) Environmental extremes / Diseases: The can cause a plant to age and flow prematurely, a female plant to produce viable seeds without being fertilized, or just cause poor growth.



Well-Known Member
You guys are so funny.

Stress isn't good for a plant, eh? How about LST'ing then? You know, low STRESS training? What about supercropping?

In the case of dead or dying leaves, it's not a bad idea to go ahead and trim them off. If a plant has dying leaves, it's already stressed (not to mention that it's spending most of it's energy trying to repair the damaged leaves instead of new growth). Trimming the leaves will not stress the plant any more than it already is, and it could help by redirecting the plant's energy to new growth instead of healing itself.

Yes, the leaves will eventually die and fall off on their own. Letting dead leaves stay on the plant generally won't hurt the plant, but if the leaves start to decay on the plant there could be problems.


Well-Known Member
yeah-dont cut of anything-the leave will fall or evantually and its a good food souce for your plant.

Sunlight is a plant's main source of "food". Other nutrients are absorbed from the roots.

A dead leaf isn't going to "feed" your plant any more than pinning marshmallows onto the stems would.


Well-Known Member
You guys are so funny.

Stress isn't good for a plant, eh? How about LST'ing then? You know, low STRESS training? What about supercropping?

In the case of dead or dying leaves, it's not a bad idea to go ahead and trim them off. If a plant has dying leaves, it's already stressed (not to mention that it's spending most of it's energy trying to repair the damaged leaves instead of new growth). Trimming the leaves will not stress the plant any more than it already is, and it could help by redirecting the plant's energy to new growth instead of healing itself.

Yes, the leaves will eventually die and fall off on their own. Letting dead leaves stay on the plant generally won't hurt the plant, but if the leaves start to decay on the plant there could be problems.

i agree completely ! LST'ing and SC'ing are not "good" for it on SHORT TERM (because of the stress) but in the long run those techniques can be quite interesting..........but that needs to be in the advanced section!

grow space

Well-Known Member
Sunlight is a plant's main source of "food". Other nutrients are absorbed from the roots.

A dead leaf isn't going to "feed" your plant any more than pinning marshmallows onto the stems would.
no maaaan-the plant itself absorbes food 4 that dieing leaf!!!so it is wiser to leave them on cas the plant will use them and as in nature, when it dont need it any more, it will dropp of by itself.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
no maaaan-the plant itself absorbes food 4 that dieing leaf!!!so it is wiser to leave them on cas the plant will use them and as in nature, when it dont need it any more, it will dropp of by itself.:mrgreen:
I'm sorry but that's just incorrect. A plant doesn't cannibalize dying parts of itself for nutrition. A leaf's main function is to absorb sunlight and turn it into energy through photosynthesis. The plant's roots absorb nutrients from the soil. A dead or dying leaf can't photosynthesize and can't provide nutrients to the roots of the plant, therefore making it impossible for the plant to utilize the dying leaf in any way, shape, or form.

I'm not making it up, it's just like, science.

The only exception to this is a very young seedling whose roots haven't fully developed and is still being "fed" from the cotyledons.