Pscyhed about 1st ever harvest...curing and sampling..not that great. WTF???!! Help!!


Active Member
hi there. this was my first grow, and i sorta documented in a couple posts throughout the SUmmer. See links below:



Everything was great...I harversted them, and the buds were fat, sticky, with brown hairs receiding and cloudy trichs.

All good so far.

I am now curing them and have been following the instructs I have read on different posts. Oh..and of course, I dried first til the stems snapped/bent.

the hay smell is still there, and the things I read say tha eventually in the curing process, the skank smell and potency come.

I have smoked ALOT of of of the plants after 3 weeks of curing, and the high is minimal at best, and i have to smoke a couple bowls to get high. shoudl this eventually change?

I have tried a nuggest from 3 diff plants that were only curing for 4 days now, and sticky they are, skank smell is not there (still smells liek hay), and the high wasnt there either.

Will this change through the curing process? How long? I am just worried that all the TLC I put into this is gonna produce crappy bud. I wouldve assumed this shit would be sticky, smelly, and give a great high!!??!!

Thanks for the help abd guidance. I consider my first outdoor grow a success. 15 plants, killed 9 due to being male. of the 6 plants, i got about 2 lbs. im pumped!!

but i just want to know ill be smoking good weed. so far, i am dissappointed.e


Well-Known Member
After it drys put some in the jars and leave it alone. Pot gets better as it ages for a few months. Every day makes a difference. Drying time is important and 7 to 15 days would help in the harshness area. Some of what did not brake down in the drying process will do it over time in the jar.


Active Member
It would've been nice to have pics of before you chopped them. Probably a combination of things... you may have dried them too fast/long, harvested early, or just some crummy bagseed strain


Well-Known Member
You might be SOL on the potency. I just chopped one of my plants and I got really stoned after 1 bong hit. The weed was even still damp from drying, lol.


Active Member
What kind of seeds? To get good herb you have to buy good genetics. Even then it varies, I am growing purple Kush and Jock Horror, some of the phenos are crazy strong some just ok... Its like a box of chocolates you never know what you'll get...


Well-Known Member
curing can increase potency by allowing more time for cannabinoids to be converted/activated, but it's not going to be a huge difference, it's not going to turn mid-grade into super kind. It sounds to me like you just have low potency weed. could be genetics, could be environment, could be both. You don't really provide a lot of info on the growing conditions or strains.

If it helps you judge, I can harvest, stick a bowl in the microwave on low to quick-dry, and it is quite potent. Probably not quite as potent as the stuff that has cured, but after a bowl I seem about as high either way :)


Active Member
Thanks everyone for the replies. The seeds I used were bag seeds I had collected. This was my first grow, and I figured before I buy noce seeds, I might as well see if I have a green thumb first. The plants grew well, I learned alot on this site, and was happy with the harvest. I grew them outside, in New England. The temps were nice this and I made sure they were fed well and in good spots for sun.

I looked at the roots after the harvest (the plants in pots) and the roots were well defined, so I knwo the plant was healthy.