Psilocybe Cubensis: A New Perspective.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I the last time I took some of these guys was last year Oct. 17. It was my first time and 2 grams had been split by 3 people. None of us had taken them before, but after about 3 months of research... and hunting for those little fuckers we had found a connect. I mean, it was $20/g but we didn't care at the time as it was mostly caps and they were potent. So I had tripped hard and I loved the experience.

I had been confused because for the last 2-3 years I had thought that I was homosexual. I had no problems with it and most people knew, yet around Oct. I had started to feel a bit odd as I became closer to (back then) my best friend, L. It didn't concern me too much though and I let it pass... however the shrooms didn't.

After the trip I had realized I was in love with this girl and the next couple of weeks it tore me apart how I was just her best gay friend. Yet, as our friendship grew I started to feel more confident in asking her and I'm happy to say that we're going out now and happy as can be.

Yet, recently I've been feeling distant with myself and am ALWAYS thinking negatively. I can't help it, my mind just processes everything under negative terms and over-analyzes everything. I get randomly depressed now and I'm hoping to do them again to help clear my mind and set my motives straight.

Some people tell me not to as it will result in a bad trip, but I don't do shrooms recreationally. I find that shrooms help you cope and adapt and I need to see my inner self whether I like it or not.

EDIT: Also, does anyone here but me think there needs to be a documentary about shrooms with the above name? Also, does anyone know of some shroom documentaries, lol?