puff puff pass or no?


Well-Known Member
so normally how does your rotation go where yall are from when smoking with a group of people.

when smoking with my buddies from school we normally take 3-5 hits then pass it till its out but when smoking with my sister we normally take 8-10 hits then pass it till it gets small then its 1-2 hits till its gone.

i have never been in a puff puff pass rotation..


Well-Known Member
Depends... Blunts in a Circle 3-4 Hit Pass. Joints in a Circle 1-2 Hit Pass...<<OHIO Atleast. The Rules WILL Switch up In Some Circles... Really Depends Whos Weed it is.

And It Always Goes To The Left. (ClockWise)

Ramen Shaman

Well-Known Member
If it's between two people, it tends to be big lungful hits. If it's between more, puff, puff pass. That's exactly how we do it.


Well-Known Member
if i roll it and light it then its puff puff puff....puffity puff puff..............long pause............puff puff puff.....long choker drag aaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnd pass...whatever happens from here is out of my hands....


Active Member
I smoke the first half and then pass it to the lucky person next to me who usually finishes it off whilst I roll another lol


Well-Known Member
Hit it til you cough. Thats the rule in my book.

..Unless its the craziest dankiest weed in the world than its... PuffPuffPassssssedddOUT :weed:


Well-Known Member
think about it dudelebowski........you are perpetuating the stoner sterotype right now.

Think if where the joint was is where the second hand of a clock is pointing and think of people sitting in a circle when the HANd moves right from the center of the clock the PERSON passes left facing the center of the clock


New Member
put the situation in a car, all you smarty pants. What direction is clockwise?
case - point.

(ofcourse until it gets to the back right, when it needs to prepetuate by going back left, forward left, then what direction???????????right.)