Puffdatchronic's Cinderella 99 Journal


Well-Known Member
Ok guys here's some shots of cindy after her last day of light.She will now stay in darkness for the last 3 days. Really not to happy with how this has turned out.Well ,the buds look great and the popcorn I have been sampling has been amazing ,but I have never had a plant die so bad on me... really need to get cal/mag for my next cindy attempt. The smoke is so good I will be definitely smoking cindy for the rest of my life, just need to figure out how to keep her alive... all that being said I am guessing theres at least 2 ounces on this plant and that was my target when I started so.. I guess it's been a success..


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Ok guys here's some shots of cindy after her last day of light.She will now stay in darkness for the last 3 days. Really not to happy with how this has turned out.Well ,the buds look great and the popcorn I have been sampling has been amazing ,but I have never had a plant die so bad on me... really need to get cal/mag for my next cindy attempt. The smoke is so good I will be definitely smoking cindy for the rest of my life, just need to figure out how to keep her alive... all that being said I am guessing theres at least 2 ounces on this plant and that was my target when I started so.. I guess it's been a success..

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looks cherry. once you trim them fan leaves. nice dude


Well-Known Member
Thanks man ,yeah I know it will look sweet with the leaves trimmed.But since I was doing a journal of the grow seed to smoke ,I didn't wanna NOT post a last update before she gets her hair cut, even though it looks awful... hopefully next journal will go better..


Well-Known Member
nah dude. you're being a bit hard on yourself. they look good to me, even with the fan leaves. looks like some stoney weed
Thanks man I appreciate you saying that.And you right , the last few nights I have been coming in a stealing a popcorn bud or 2 and nuking it in the microwave and have ben getting hih as shit.. It' gonna be some really great weed once dried and cured properly ,can't wait to get some proper dry bud shots on here and a smoke report...


Active Member
Thanks man ,yeah I know it will look sweet with the leaves trimmed.But since I was doing a journal of the grow seed to smoke ,I didn't wanna NOT post a last update before she gets her hair cut, even though it looks awful... hopefully next journal will go better..
Dude, you did great! Those buds look sweet. A grower I know who grows some of the best bud I've ever smoked actually prefers it this way and claims that it helps flavor. Personally, I dunno, but I wouldn't worry about that at all. The leaves have done their job.

  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to puffdatchronic again.



Well-Known Member
Looks awesome Puff, the yellow leaves wont affect taste or potency so no real need to worry :) I've had plants do the same to me too before and they've still turned put well. I reckon you'll get at least 3oz from that plant too man, she looks pretty dense!!


Active Member
I agree with the Dr and everyone else dude. I would call that a huge success; I hope mine fills out like that. Nice job.

BTW, tried to add some rep but it won't let me. + REP to you


Well-Known Member
hey thanks dudes.. I appreciate the kind words and rep..thanks a lot..the high is great ,anyone wondering if they should grow this .. do it.. its a jack herer hybrid ..what more do you want?

Adam & Cola

Well-Known Member
She looks sweet PUFF.. I agree don't be hard on yourself. Thats just the plant pulling all the nutes it can from the leaves in a last ditch effort to keep going. Nothing wrong with the grow or journal. You did fantastic. I also agree that you'll have closer to 3 if not more zips.. especially if you stop smokin that popcorn. You think you like her now.. Wait it out and smoke some nice cured stinky bud.


Active Member
Hey Puff! Great grow man, you did great! You will be happy once she has been cured for a while.. and only get better from there. I get a citrus flavor with a hint of spice (I think you mentioned that yourself). I bet you will get more than 2 oz off of her though. What watt for flowering? CFL? (now I have to go diggin lol). But you are correct, one thing that helped me out was 2 table spoons per gallon of dolomite lime was mixed into the soil for both 1 gallon and 5 gallon pots. I also had to sprinkle some on top towards the end for cal/mag boost. I am really thinking of taking my last two c'99 seeds and making some fem seeds from them.. would have seeds for years! Will probably do my blueberry gum, though she seems to be a late hermier.
But Cindy sure does look good in the pipe:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, so guys I don't know who seen the thread I made yesterday ,but I had a REAL fucked up day. Yesterday was day 52 and I was sitting on my bed deciding to go an extra day or just take her down on 52 like recommended and I got a rap on the door. A cop. Well you can imagine my panic.He rapped a few times and I was just frozen ,waiting for reinforcements to be brought over and the door to get kicked in.

He went away eventually and I tore cindy out, mistreated her in a way which I am deeply ashamed. Stuffed her in about 10 bin bags and snuck her out to the car were she lay in a state of shock at how her loving father had treated her.

Since I wanted to know if I was caught or not I rang up the police then and said I was busy but what did they want ,and they said they were doing door to door talks as I got a fucking psycho neighbour somewhere who seriously assaulted his gf...

So I was relieved I wasn't busted but I still had the dilemma of them wanting to come back and talk with me, I didn't want to risk the weed molding in the bags so I took her in and gave her a rushed manicure.I was absolutely shattered with the adrenaline of thinking I was caught

next problem ,this plant reeks ,and I mean reeks now its cut down ,couldn't smell it at all growing and it literally stinks to high heaven now.So I usualy dry in my closet and hung her up and it was no go ,the cops would have smelt it a mile away ,so I have her hanging up in the attic. It's cold up there but there is nice airflow ,so I think it will be cool ,pun intended.Actually I might dry up there from now on as the smell is not an issue in the house at all now.

here she is ,not looking her prettiest, wish this shit never happened and I was able to trim her properly ..well I guess I will still get to manicure her well once shes dried and ready for the jars.. I just hope I didn't knock too many trichs off her in the scramble..

oh btw the cops came back today for their talk and all went without a hitch.. no smell ,no sell ,no tell and they can't do shit!



Active Member
DANM!!!! ...and I thought I had bad luck!

Seriously man, that sucks but you did the right thin, safety first. Cost of a harvest doesn't come close to the cost of getting nabbed. Wouldn't worry too much, sure not much damage done. You were planning on pulling on day 52 for a while so no harm there. So you knocked a few trichs off the ol girl in the fire drill - get em out of the bag and into your pipe and enjoy!