Puple Tree?


Well-Known Member
I have heard from friends that putting small amounts of dye in the water can actually change the color of the tree and the bud without killing. Can anyone calrify this as plausible? Thanks in advance.



Well-Known Member
we had this discussion on a few month ago and settled that this is possible but just good for a odd novelty smoke;) so technically yes, a bit food dye will do that trick:D

next time us the search function first, i guess we had like 20 threads like this running over dyeing your plants like a rainbow dude:lol:


Well-Known Member
adding coloring takes away from the taste. BTT and FDD did this experiment a while ago, lemme see if I can find the thread..brb


Well-Known Member
guys, could you be for one single day not so fucking damn commercially orientated?:D arrr! growing is soul purpose;)


Well-Known Member
Dont get me wrong, I am just guessing around trying to learn things, if I actually get my grow started its going to be completely personal use. I just think it would be funny smokin some neon pink bud with a buddy and he be like "WTF!!!!"