Puppy got to the seedlings =[


My cats all run in the room when they hear that closet door open. They want those plants so damn bad, and I've already had two mishaps. The main culprit is my daughter's kitten, so I can't exactly beat the shit out of it or make it disappear, even if I wanted to. She pulled two seedlings completely out of the ground the first day they sprouted. Took about thirty seconds, as I went to grab my camera. The second one was after they figured out how to open the closet doors by reaching under them and pulling hard, because they only HAD magnetic latches. One of them chewed the top off of one plant and ate fan leaves from three others.

Fucking cats


Active Member
My cats all run in the room when they hear that closet door open. They want those plants so damn bad, and I've already had two mishaps. The main culprit is my daughter's kitten, so I can't exactly beat the shit out of it or make it disappear, even if I wanted to. She pulled two seedlings completely out of the ground the first day they sprouted. Took about thirty seconds, as I went to grab my camera. The second one was after they figured out how to open the closet doors by reaching under them and pulling hard, because they only HAD magnetic latches. One of them chewed the top off of one plant and ate fan leaves from three others.

Fucking cats
get some catnip in the room, that will draw their attention away from your plants and they will get stoned out of their nuts.


Help me out!!! I had a 1.5 foot tall outdoor purple haze plant with about 3 grams of beautiful purple bud on it. However when I came home from school, a monkey was eating the bud! (I live in south africa) I scared it away and it knocked the plant over. I put the plant back in its pot, and managed to salvage about a gram of the bud which was on the floor, but the plant has no more bud on it... What can I do? Will it die?


Active Member
Help me out!!! I had a 1.5 foot tall outdoor purple haze plant with about 3 grams of beautiful purple bud on it. However when I came home from school, a monkey was eating the bud! (I live in south africa) I scared it away and it knocked the plant over. I put the plant back in its pot, and managed to salvage about a gram of the bud which was on the floor, but the plant has no more bud on it... What can I do? Will it die?
dont know but the monkey might, bet it was laughing its head off at you from a distance, fixing the plant, stoned out of its nut.

A man walks into a bar with a monkey on his shoulder, orders a drink and sits down. The monkey springs off his shoulder runs down the bar to the olive bowl, swallows one whole, then springs to the pool table and swallows the cue ball whole. The bartender cries out to the man, " Oh My God, did you see what your monkey just did?"
"What, What?" says the man.
The bartender says, " Your monkey just swallowed the cue ball whole"
"Well, I'm not suprised, he eats everything in sight... I'll pay for it and we'll leave"
Two week later the man and his monkey return, the man orders his drink and the monkey jumps off, runs to the cherry bowl, grabs one shoves it up his butt then pulls it out and swallows it whole. Once again the bartender cries out, "Oh my God, Did you see what your monkey just did?"
"What, What did he do this time?"
The bartender replies, "He just shoved a cherry up his butt, then swallowed it whole... that was disgusting!!"
The man say's "Well, I'm not suprised, he still eats everything in sight, but ever since that cue ball he checks everything first"


Active Member
you sound like me.My first dog I shot. The dogs I have listen better then most people.I only had to beat the shit out of them one time.after that was like diffrent dog. When I raise my voice they drop to the ground and do not move. I get around other peoples ass hole dogs that jump and try to bite five min later they act like mine and the owners say wow they are so good when you are here...yeah because i punched the fuck in the head when he jumped on me.
.... You shot a dog?? are you serious? if true, what reason would EVER make you so angry you shoot a dog?

when you beat the shit out of a dog, yeah it will know your are dominant but thats not teaching it anything.
i bet you my dogs will listen 20x better than your dogs will listen to you... and my dogs are huge, a bull mastiff and an american bulldog. nicest dogs ever and they listen out of Respect, not fear. hell they both think they are lap dogs. 100 pound dogs trying to be on your lap. my dogs listen so well that my american bulldog will stop protecting its territory/master (american bulldogs are very protective and territorial, bull mastiffs just slobber monsters) by simply saying "No. - come." its a shame how many people dont understand the simple concept of how treating your dog right, and the correct way, will teach them obedience. whats the point in having a dog if you are just going to get mad and beat it?

another thing, if your first dog was too much for you the first time, why didnt you give it to another owner??? and secondly, why buy another dog? trial and error doesnt work with animals fyi.


Active Member
you need to be barking mad to let a puppy near your plants, firstly kick that pup upside down, he wont even look in the same corner as your plants after that?

i had a german shepherd that was in my van and i had to get him into the house so i could drive somewhere, but he would not budge as he wanted to go a drive, i tried to drag him out and he bit me.
i marched in to the house and got a bed sheet and a garden spade. i jumped in to the back of the van and tangled the dogs head up in the double bedsheet, and proceeded to knock the fucking shite out of it for 10 minutes with the spade. the fucking dog wouldnt even go near the van after that. and was scared to look at me for two days. but he never bit or snarled at anyone friendly again, even though he was a vicious guard dog.
the motto of the story is, it is better to be cruel to be kind to the dog. if the dog had bitten a kid i would have shot it in the head no hesitation.

ohhh my one day i hope to take any dog that lives with you. save its dear life and give it happiness. its not better to be cruel to an animal. cruelty is the reason he would bite someone.

edit: you can have a guard dog without it being vicious.. and you sure as hell deserved to be bit. i hope i can wrap you up in a sheet, and beat the shit out of you with spade. prick.


Active Member
.... You shot a dog?? are you serious? if true, what reason would EVER make you so angry you shoot a dog?

when you beat the shit out of a dog, yeah it will know your are dominant but thats not teaching it anything.
i bet you my dogs will listen 20x better than your dogs will listen to you... and my dogs are huge, a bull mastiff and an american bulldog. nicest dogs ever and they listen out of Respect, not fear. hell they both think they are lap dogs. 100 pound dogs trying to be on your lap. my dogs listen so well that my american bulldog will stop protecting its territory/master (american bulldogs are very protective and territorial, bull mastiffs just slobber monsters) by simply saying "No. - come." its a shame how many people dont understand the simple concept of how treating your dog right, and the correct way, will teach them obedience. whats the point in having a dog if you are just going to get mad and beat it?

another thing, if your first dog was too much for you the first time, why didnt you give it to another owner??? and secondly, why buy another dog? trial and error doesnt work with animals fyi.

my dogs would tear your dogs to fucking bits, they do what i tell them or they get kicked to fuck, i hammer them with pool cues baseball bats, i even hit one with a sling shot with a 10mm ball bearing in, i live on a farm, your dog walked in there they would get ripped apart.

i have 1500 skunk plants to worry about being stolen, not worry about a pet fucking dog or you walking in, if my dogs got you and tore you up i would feed your body to the pigs.

be warned !!!
my dogs would tear your dogs to fucking bits, they do what i tell them or they get kicked to fuck, i hammer them with pool cues baseball bats, i even hit one with a sling shot with a 10mm ball bearing in, i live on a farm, your dog walked in there they would get ripped apart.

I have 1500 skunk plants to worry about being stolen, not worry about a pet fucking dog or you walking in, if my dogs got you and tore you up i would feed your body to the pigs.

Be warned !!!

holy shit!


dont know but the monkey might, bet it was laughing its head off at you from a distance, fixing the plant, stoned out of its nut.

A man walks into a bar with a monkey on his shoulder, orders a drink and sits down. The monkey springs off his shoulder runs down the bar to the olive bowl, swallows one whole, then springs to the pool table and swallows the cue ball whole. The bartender cries out to the man, " Oh My God, did you see what your monkey just did?"
"What, What?" says the man.
The bartender says, " Your monkey just swallowed the cue ball whole"
"Well, I'm not suprised, he eats everything in sight... I'll pay for it and we'll leave"
Two week later the man and his monkey return, the man orders his drink and the monkey jumps off, runs to the cherry bowl, grabs one shoves it up his butt then pulls it out and swallows it whole. Once again the bartender cries out, "Oh my God, Did you see what your monkey just did?"
"What, What did he do this time?"
The bartender replies, "He just shoved a cherry up his butt, then swallowed it whole... that was disgusting!!"
The man say's "Well, I'm not suprised, he still eats everything in sight, but ever since that cue ball he checks everything first"
Nice helpful answer man...


Active Member
my dogs would tear your dogs to fucking bits, they do what i tell them or they get kicked to fuck, i hammer them with pool cues baseball bats, i even hit one with a sling shot with a 10mm ball bearing in, i live on a farm, your dog walked in there they would get ripped apart.

i have 1500 skunk plants to worry about being stolen, not worry about a pet fucking dog or you walking in, if my dogs got you and tore you up i would feed your body to the pigs.

be warned !!!
haha all over some weed? you beat the shit out of your dog over plants.. great excuse! only thing, you dont need to beat the shit out of a dog to get it to become a guard dog. and tell me what breed you have. please. either way your saying 2+ dogs against one will win? o_O wow arnt you smart.. dogs work in a pack, you act like its an accomplishment yet its only nature. i can order my dogs to attack without beating it with baseball bats. hell sometimes i wouldnt need to order my dogs to attack. you ball up a fist my american bulldog gets mad. you hit me he goes crazy. you walk through my door he is right there and if he doesnt recognize you and im not there, you better run. yet never once have i hit him.

Also, who would walk into a farm? are you trying to keep kids out? id drive my truck right through your shitty farm, where your dogs then?!?! i dont need protection from a dog, i need a dog that can watch my house when i cant. "i live on a farm" make me laugh again "be warned" thanks you made me laugh again. use common sense before writing dumb posts. you live on a farm, no one is going to walk all the way to where you live, and then through a farm. fail attempt is a fail. anyone with half a brain would know anyone who is coming to steal MJ plants isnt going to be caring 20 plants as he walks down the road. makes me want to rob your shit! biggest thing id have to worry about is the 2dumb2plan farmer chasing me with his shotgun.


Active Member
haha all over some weed? you beat the shit out of your dog over plants.. great excuse! only thing, you dont need to beat the shit out of a dog to get it to become a guard dog. and tell me what breed you have. please. either way your saying 2+ dogs against one will win? o_O wow arnt you smart.. dogs work in a pack, you act like its an accomplishment yet its only nature. i can order my dogs to attack without beating it with baseball bats. hell sometimes i wouldnt need to order my dogs to attack. you ball up a fist my american bulldog gets mad. you hit me he goes crazy. you walk through my door he is right there and if he doesnt recognize you and im not there, you better run. yet never once have i hit him.

Also, who would walk into a farm? are you trying to keep kids out? id drive my truck right through your shitty farm, where your dogs then?!?! i dont need protection from a dog, i need a dog that can watch my house when i cant. "i live on a farm" make me laugh again "be warned" thanks you made me laugh again. use common sense before writing dumb posts. you live on a farm, no one is going to walk all the way to where you live, and then through a farm. fail attempt is a fail. anyone with half a brain would know anyone who is coming to steal MJ plants isnt going to be caring 20 plants as he walks down the road. makes me want to rob your shit! biggest thing id have to worry about is the 2dumb2plan farmer chasing me with his shotgun.
you drive your truck through my farm if you want, firstly i will get the farm hands to attack the truck with our machinery, we have a 7 ton jcb 180 digger, numerous tractors, a 35 ton 360 excavator that will crush up your truck and bury it. and you........ well you would be okay, we would get harry to fuck you before we shot you, we would force you to give him a sloppy cock sucking too, and if you didn`t you would get what the last guy got, beaten to death.


you need to be barking mad to let a puppy near your plants, firstly kick that pup upside down, he wont even look in the same corner as your plants after that?

i had a german shepherd that was in my van and i had to get him into the house so i could drive somewhere, but he would not budge as he wanted to go a drive, i tried to drag him out and he bit me.
i marched in to the house and got a bed sheet and a garden spade. i jumped in to the back of the van and tangled the dogs head up in the double bedsheet, and proceeded to knock the fucking shite out of it for 10 minutes with the spade. the fucking dog wouldnt even go near the van after that. and was scared to look at me for two days. but he never bit or snarled at anyone friendly again, even though he was a vicious guard dog.
the motto of the story is, it is better to be cruel to be kind to the dog. if the dog had bitten a kid i would have shot it in the head no hesitation.

Where did you get this german shepherd? And who trained it? Cause it sounds like one DUMBASS german shepherd "guard dog". I would NEVER have to tell my german shepherd twice what to do, the most obedient dog I have ever owned. Probably a stupid mutt mix that isnt even purebred, and shouldnt even be called a german shepherd. And dont even try and claim it to be some top line, cause no top line bred german shepherd would act like that. Let me guess? You beat your girlfriend and/or wife when they dont listen either huh? Your dumbass "guard" dog isnt going to do anything to save your 1500 skunk plants. And as for saying if your dog would have bitten a kid you would have shot it, and you speak of this being a vicious guard dog?? If that were my kid I would have shot you in the fucking head for letting him/her near a guard dog thats known to bite. Your dumbass obviously knows nothing about guard dogs. Keep beating your dogs, all an intruder has to do is hit it like you do and the dog wont look at them for the rest of them time they are there. Who wants to protect someone that beats them for 10 mintue intervals when it wants to go on a car ride with you? Fuckin scum. Mr. Badass farmer with a whole lotta tools. You sound like a joke and a bigger tool than any of the equipment you own.


Well-Known Member
you drive your truck through my farm if you want, firstly i will get the farm hands to attack the truck with our machinery, we have a 7 ton jcb 180 digger, numerous tractors, a 35 ton 360 excavator that will crush up your truck and bury it. and you........ .
Sounds like a heavy duty construction outfit, not a farmer.


Active Member
Where did you get this german shepherd? And who trained it? Cause it sounds like one DUMBASS german shepherd "guard dog". I would NEVER have to tell my german shepherd twice what to do, the most obedient dog I have ever owned. Probably a stupid mutt mix that isnt even purebred, and shouldnt even be called a german shepherd. And dont even try and claim it to be some top line, cause no top line bred german shepherd would act like that. Let me guess? You beat your girlfriend and/or wife when they dont listen either huh? Your dumbass "guard" dog isnt going to do anything to save your 1500 skunk plants. And as for saying if your dog would have bitten a kid you would have shot it, and you speak of this being a vicious guard dog?? If that were my kid I would have shot you in the fucking head for letting him/her near a guard dog thats known to bite. Your dumbass obviously knows nothing about guard dogs. Keep beating your dogs, all an intruder has to do is hit it like you do and the dog wont look at them for the rest of them time they are there. Who wants to protect someone that beats them for 10 mintue intervals when it wants to go on a car ride with you? Fuckin scum. Mr. Badass farmer with a whole lotta tools. You sound like a joke and a bigger tool than any of the equipment you own.
you do know how they get purebreeds right? the inbreed the FUCK out of them so they can permanently retain certain characteistics, (and if an inbred human usually has learning disorders, and sometimes physical disorders, what makes you think that wouldnt happen with any other type of mammal?) i have never had a purebred dog that is more willing to learn, and to please its master than so-called "stpid mix breed mutt" i cant believe i just read this thread either, a mod needs to close this fucker down, filled with so much hostility, hatred, and all out stupidity, i cant believe some people in this thread havnt been banned yet...FUCK!


Lol i had my clone the other night on my window sill and my fuckin cat took one. Now i fence them away from kitten thives


Active Member
you need to be barking mad to let a puppy near your plants, firstly kick that pup upside down, he wont even look in the same corner as your plants after that?

i had a german shepherd that was in my van and i had to get him into the house so i could drive somewhere, but he would not budge as he wanted to go a drive, i tried to drag him out and he bit me.
i marched in to the house and got a bed sheet and a garden spade. i jumped in to the back of the van and tangled the dogs head up in the double bedsheet, and proceeded to knock the fucking shite out of it for 10 minutes with the spade. the fucking dog wouldnt even go near the van after that. and was scared to look at me for two days. but he never bit or snarled at anyone friendly again, even though he was a vicious guard dog.
the motto of the story is, it is better to be cruel to be kind to the dog. if the dog had bitten a kid i would have shot it in the head no hesitation.
you sound like me.My first dog I shot. The dogs I have listen better then most people.I only had to beat the shit out of them one time.after that was like diffrent dog. When I raise my voice they drop to the ground and do not move. I get around other peoples ass hole dogs that jump and try to bite five min later they act like mine and the owners say wow they are so good when you are here...yeah because i punched the fuck in the head when he jumped on me.
your both a pair of looser fuck witts that deserve to be tortured!

must live some very sad lives beating up on dogs, let me guess you were both the fat kids at school that everyone picked on and kicked the shit out of???

i hope 1 day a dog rips your fucking throat out then we will all be laughing the real DOG got fucked over!


Active Member
you drive your truck through my farm if you want, firstly i will get the farm hands to attack the truck with our machinery, we have a 7 ton jcb 180 digger, numerous tractors, a 35 ton 360 excavator that will crush up your truck and bury it. and you........ well you would be okay, we would get harry to fuck you before we shot you, we would force you to give him a sloppy cock sucking too, and if you didn`t you would get what the last guy got, beaten to death.
lmfao you are stupid. have fun trying to catch a truck with an excavator! xD you serious? and who you trying to scare? this is the internet! At least have common sense if youre going to try and troll on the internet. either way you sound like a scrub.
this your son? must take after his father.. weedog.png