Pure Veganic/Pescanic Organic Grow


Well-Known Member
This summer I decided to grow out some bagseed from some fire I got a while back. I decided to go 100% organic without meat byproducts this round, which is something I've never done personally. I started with a supersoilless mix of equal parts coir, castings, perlite, organic soil and vermiculite. Then added kelp meal, dolomite lime, soft rock phosphate and powdered banana peel and let sit for 3 weeks in a 15 gallon grow bag. I then dug a hole and filled in with plain coco coir mixed with mycorrizae and threw in my 3 week old seedling, which has only had water up to this point.

I use (very healthy) fish pond water with powdered banana peel, molasses and just a touch of castings, fish emulsion and yard soil for microbes. Boil anywhere from 2 hours to 24 hours and feed with almost every watering... 1 to 2 times a week now.

Results are good so far. I can smell it all the way down the block and she looks better than my last indoor round so far.

I had some MOTHERFUCKING BUD WORMS... but killed them rather quickly with some BT. Other than that I have some whiteflies which I'm not concerned about. Lacewing larvae take care of the rest.

Attached is a pic I took last night. Comments?


