purple leaf ??? problem ????


Active Member
about 50% of the leaf have this sympton , is it due to cold weather or some kind of nutrition problem????? anyone know ???

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hi Squirtle,


Purple can be caused by cold temperatures.. BUT that looks like a nutrient deficiency issue to me..

are you pH ing your water?

what is your medium?



Active Member
I don't know if it's a temperature issue. it happened to me(cold temps) and the leaves used to look like un-ironed textile rather than changing colors. My opinion is that it has something to do with some sort of element(don't know which one) deficiency. keep researching and when you find the cause and cure make sure you post it. this would be a good example.


Active Member
could it be the strain? i have seen pix of some beautiful plants in the magazines that are purple instead of green. a few of my little girls have leaf stems that are dark purple but the leaves are green and healthy looking. now i wonder if i need to worry:(( mine are indoors so i know mine is not a cold issue)


Active Member
What you don't know your[npk] ?that's is one of the most importent thing bud....If your growing in pro mix [soiless soil] I use 20-20-20 light doses every watering.then when you are ready to flower switch to something like 0-50-30 you don't need nitrogen at this point,you don't want your plant to get taller it is the nitrogen that makes it taller ,you want fat buds ,so try something with the last two [npk]hight.your leaf looks fine that's the cold.you should wait a week ot two before crop time and let the cold get to them ,it will make her cry thc and go purple.


about 50% of the leaf have this sympton , is it due to cold weather or some kind of nutrition problem????? anyone know ???
The plant seen here started off green...about 2-3 weeks into flowering it started turning purple from the inner leaf outward.

You can tell by the other plants in the back that are green, the temps/nutes are good. Its the strain, in this photo, and I think that's the case above as well. Some plants just turn purple when they mature. I am unsure of the strain as I got the seeds from a trusted friend. I can attest to its high potency and fruity aroma, believe me purple is a good thing. I have three strains including ak47 but its my favorite to watch grow too...purdy!