purple sprout


Active Member
ok so this is my second grow and i have planted 8 plants, 4 diesel ryder, 1 sensi star, one blueberry and 2 unknown bagseed. the first unknown bagseed was also the first to sprout, i had to closest to the fan in my little seedling box(very ghetto) about 4 or 5 days after it sprouted, the tips started to turn purple, now, about a week after sprouting, it's second set of leaves are just about done and they too are turning purple. i honestly don't remember if this bagseed was purple or not, but is it normal for it to start this early? i know cold can be what causes a plant to turn, and it is right near my fan and it does get a little cold in the house sometimes. I'll post some pics tom when i get a chance, anyone have any thoughts?


Active Member
hey man, umm in the FAQ i remember reading this same thing about purple sprouts, now its prolly worth u look that over, but i think it said that purple sprouts early on is normal


Active Member
well what i figured made this one a little different was it wasn't purple until it after it had started on it's second set of leaves, and here's a pic of it



Active Member
hmm i see what ur talking about the leaves are turning purple aswell. i remember hearing that this is a sign of to much of one nutrient or too little i cant remember, i suggest watching the ready set grow vol 1 series 1-7 i think its in there. its quite long but its helped me learn ALOT about grow the herb


^ vid link ^


Active Member
anyone else got any ideas if this is a problem or not? i have another strain i want to swap out, but if this is what a plant looks like when it legitly, goes purple, then im excited :)


Active Member
Your stuff will turn purple if the room temp drops below 55 degrees I think. So it being near the fan has something to do with it probably. It wont hurt anything so no worries. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I don't see any purple...but I do see nute burn. Don't nute your plant until two weeks in at least...


Active Member
this plant is in organic soil with no nutes.... but it does seem more likely its a problem than a blessing now, the one leaf seems pretty purple still, while the other is a weird yellow/purple mixture(will get pics later) luckily i got alot of sprouts, so this one might not make the cut, its just a bagseed anyways