Purple Stems, Yellow Leaves, and Taco Leaves


Well-Known Member
my plants are looking alright, but there are a few problems. :finger: i have a lot of yellow leaves, some purple stems, and leaves folding up like tacos. what is my problem? any help or suggestions will be great, its my first grow and im doin okay, but would like to know what im doin wrong. thanks!



Well-Known Member
awesome, thank you for the help. ill give them some next time i go water. any other suggestions? i.e. should i pull the yellow and brown leaves off or just the really dead ones? and is there anything else that looks wrong?


Well-Known Member
the taco thing is heat usualy, it`s called canoeing
the purple is iether from cool nights or the nute stress, the leaves will fall on thier own


Well-Known Member
awesome, thank you for the help. ill give them some next time i go water. any other suggestions? i.e. should i pull the yellow and brown leaves off or just the really dead ones? and is there anything else that looks wrong?
I pull the yellow leaves off because they use nutes and don't contribute to the plant. They no longer have Chlorophyll (no green)... therefore, they don't soak up light and contribute to photosynthesis.


Well-Known Member
awesome, thanks guys. it has been really really hot here, so thats prolly what the taco/canoeing is from. nothin i can do about it really... but ill give them good nutes from now on... i was kinda depriving them but i have some beastie bloomz and some basic nitrogen plant food, so ill start giving them both and hopefully theyll start looking a little better. :mrgreen:

thanks again!


Well-Known Member
if you cover the soil it will help keep the roots cooler and will help with the heat issuse.