Purple Stems?


New Member
So i noticed alot of my plants are getting a deep purple color on the stems ( main stalk and fan leaf stem ) any suggestions


New Member
sometimes this is cause when the temps are lowered. pics would definitely be nice cause this could be some type of deficiency


Active Member
Naw pics arent needed, it means you have a potasium defiecency, just add some more to ur nute mix and you will be good:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
So i noticed alot of my plants are getting a deep purple color on the stems ( main stalk and fan leaf stem ) any suggestions
Oh cool bro; Yeah low temps cause purple. I've got some purple on my white widow fan leaf stems that are beautiful and it's gotten down to 65 degrees in my room. I think cold temps slow growth in comparison to high temps; I wonder if the purple characteristics on the is stems always is a for sure indicator that they will develope purple buds as well. but you've heard of ppl sayin they got purp before, it's a desirable thing in a bag


Active Member
I don't know if you wanna jump to that conclusion right away without pics...
well its a common deficiency. the purple that is caused in some strains do to cold temps is a pure or dark purple and potassium deficiency causes a purplish red color that will be dark on the stipules and a lighter striping up and down the stem.

further more they both happen in relatively different areas.

Alot of ppl will grow a whole crop having this deficiency the whole time and not knowing cus they thing its a "Good" purple but infact it is causing things like internode elongation, miniaturized leave formation and stunted growth rate.

So to answer your question.
Based off his description, yes I will still stand by with a 95% certainty that it is a Potash deficiency, even without pics.


Well-Known Member
i agree^^^ had the same prob myself, adjusted nutes and they turned green again. (eventually)


Active Member
i agree^^^ had the same prob myself, adjusted nutes and they turned green again. (eventually)
any body know of any hosehold or local store items that has potasium?? mine have been doing the same thing, but today their leaves got dark black/purple rash looking spots on em.


Active Member
i think mine is potasium deficiency. i have no idea about nutes tho, this is my first grow. i wus just told that its lacking potasuium phosphorus or magnesium.


Active Member
yea i didnt think any thing was wrong either. i just figured it wus the strain, but now they got black bloches on the leafs so idk


Active Member
yea i didnt think any thing was wrong either. i just figured it wus the strain, but now they got black bloches on the leafs so idk
Hey ryder, sounds like you have the deficiency but ontop of that some sort of mold.. cant be sure without pics but soulds like mold.

a quick fix is wood or leave ash if you have a fire place, about a tablespoon per gallon.

but next time you hit the hydro store you should pick up a potash ammendment, Seaweed mix is awsome and has a small about in it, I fix larger deficiencys with my Deuce Deuce which is made by Humboldt nutrience and is pure Potash at a 22 percent dilution(0-0-22) and of course its organic!

I have herd there is home made banana formulas but have no personal experience


Active Member
well the state i live in doesnt have grow shops.. theres a despencery about 400 miles away lol but all we got here is normal garden stores, do u know any good nutes i could get there??