Purple stems?


Active Member
I get the same thing. It's on the lower leaves that are starting to yellow and can extend further up if we are talking about the same thing. I will hope you get an answer cause I've wondered too.:weed::weed::weed:


Active Member
Could just be genetic, and you are looking kinda burny at the tips. Not really at expert at diagnosing seedlings, but id say u have too much nutes/heat. I basically add no nutes to seedlings that age, however I'll use some rooting suppliments like Mykos and the dark brown juices that come in drops and such.


Well-Known Member
I've only used some food (nitrogen and just started it yesterday) No burnt tips and they have been like this since they sprung


Active Member
I wouldn't worry about purple stems at this point then, as long as leaf growth remains healthy. I get purple stems on my older girls sometimes, I beleive it's a pheno trait. If your dirt is already fertilized I wouldn't feed more, otherwise follow manufacturers directions for seedlings and should be fine.


Well-Known Member
Woah man, that plant is like a week old. Dont give it ANY nutrients yet. Water only for awhile yet.


Well-Known Member
idk where these people get off giving people bad info. its obvious these asses dnt have a clue what theyre talking about. if u dnt know the answer, dnt comment.

1st of all, u dnt need to give seedlings ANYTHING for the 1st couple weeks, except maybe a little calmag to buffer ph. NO NUTES. purple stems are nothing to worry about at this stage. purple stems could be genetic, and a plant could always have them.


Well-Known Member
Yea like he said, you really shouldn't be giving a seedling really anything for first couple of weeks. Your seedling had a purple stem because it isn't fully developed yet.


Well-Known Member
I was just adding that food cause of the nitrogen.... Is sulfer bad for the plants? cause this food has 3%

Like I said, I JUST put one dose of food with them to help bring that nitro level up...Ph is 6.5-6.7 on all plants


Active Member
Nutes not needed during the early stages, but that is besides point

@ the purple stems, they are hardly ever (if ever ever) a bad sign, most (if not all) of the time it is a sign of genetics of the plant and you can expect the purple tint to show up periodically through the grow (stems/leaves/buds if lucky)