Purple Wreck, fifth seedling, purple leaves?

tea tree

Well-Known Member
I am growing out purple wreck and this is about my fifth seedling. I am seeing all normal looking growth in all these and one big girl might show some urkle traights as she is growing so slow. I am sexing her right now.

However I just sprouted another seedling in a rapid rooter and put her in a rockwool block and the first thing I noticed was the dark purple leaves. Is this a possible sign of a purple pheno or could it maybe be that temps got to cold last night. I had a fret over temps in the seed cab last night.

I am looking for a purple pheno to keep for years. I am so freaking ahppy this could be one. I hope female at least.


Could ou give me some insight on your grow.. I have some PW that should arrive in the mail tomorrow. Curious to know whats nutes and how long you veged for...Any info would be helpful...


Well-Known Member
Ive done some wrecks and never had a seedling sprout purple. That fucn awesome! Purple right off the bat, fingers crossed for a girl. Ps, they just started fems for it. Id probably wait until their stableized. Good luck...

tea tree

Well-Known Member
yur shittin me! Fems for pruple wreck, damn, lol, ah well for the 100 bucks I spent I have ten chances to get a true purple pheno, well more chances for the money. I guess I only lose a month or so of growing looking for a mother. I am doing the same with herijauana, wish sometimes I had a fem of her too!


yea thats what i have a 6 pack of FEM PW..curious to ask i can assume that you can clone FEM seeds they just giver you a higher rate of the plant i cloned to hermie ??? I plan to pop all of them and take the best one as a mother .. Good Idea Bad Idea !!!

tea tree

Well-Known Member
you can clone fems. yes, that is fine. Their is supposedly a chance that a fem will easier hermie but I have nver had a plant hermie and I mess with them bad. I usually grow with fems. I would plop all your purple wrecks and hope for one that is purple, assuming that is your thing. I want a purple pheno, as I understand also besides looking cool it is more indica. Anyway, the purple urkle is a legendary slow vegger and it has been in the past mated with weeker strains that are faster and better yeilders like big bud. Trainwreck the other half of purple wreck is a legendary cool strain so here we got the best of both worlds. I am pressed for money and space right now but I am going to veg this purple seedling in a 8 in netpot in a five gallon bucket using gh three part with hardwater and tapwater. Other seedling I have in ebb and flow with hydroton and a few I have in 4 in rockwool blocks that I am handwatering till I find me some females. I just found out that one my pw is male so I am pulling her, and now I got to wait a month or two on these seedlings. I love fems but it sure is fun to find a true purple out of these reg seeds. One this purple from birth. I hope she is female!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah I am using a 600 mh lumatek in a reg hood.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
good news for purple wreck growers. I have another seedling a few days older than my first purple babe and her leaves are turning purple. Her first true leaves were green but her second set is def purple. Cool. Lol, I got all these reg seeds in handwater rockwool, cuz I was outa of hydroton, lol, I need to get to the damn store!


i got the same thing, the leaves havent opened up yet and still bundled like if it was in its shell and u can see green in the inside but the whole outside is like a shiny silvery purple tint to it..... is this normal???

Those are the very first leaves, plants use those leaves to get their initial nutriants needed. Don't worry they will open up soon. my young plant is on its 13 day and is only 3 inches tall, but leaf wise its on its 3rd node and they are a royal purple and very crystally already this baby is beautiful let's hope its a she :)