Putting CO2 into the room?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering, I am just about to start putting CO2 into the room using three containers and that yeast/sugar method... I have three plants and plan to put the hoses from the containers right at the plants... what I am wondering is, I know it's not a ton of output using this way, are my fans just going to exhaust it all right out of the room, or am I overthinking it?


Well-Known Member
from what ive read, not using co2 now, But you want to start the c02 at the highest point as it will fall onto the plants, it sinks not rise. And also yes, your exhaust will exhaust the c02 pretty quickly. turn off vents during co2 usage is method most use, as with enhanced co2 you can get the room much hotter and its ok. But only when using c02 otherise tay under 85 degrees, but with ive heard you can do over 90 no problem with