PVC is Carcinogenous

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Im browsing some systems to get into some aero or hydro grow (still deciding) and found most of them to be PVC.



PVC has been proved to be carcinogenous.

They are moving growing to other materials like alimentary grade polyethylene.

Just wanted to shared it as ive found lot of posts here using PVC to build, and because most manufacturers are still using it because they dont want to lose their precious money and dont giv a shit about ppl safety.

Robert Paulson

Active Member
Go with ABS then. its more expensive but it is tougher, will last longer, is black (big bonus), and apparently it doesn't poison you.


thx robert ill look into it, im pretty sure there are safe materials out there, we just need to be carefull because some manufacturers are playing with our health and i dont like that at all.

And i know wiseguy that there is pvc all around thats the problem, that it has been used widely and now there is a lot of pressure to kick the shit out of our lifes and as always coin nerds do not want to do it the easy way unless u kick hteir lazy and greedy asses. And here PVC is no longer sold for growing purposes to mayor farmers, apparently they are lagging in the consumer grower market.

Found another mention in a comment in gh web

comment of tiger lilly:


Well-Known Member
Just saying the water supplied from the city to your house probably runs through pvc also. From what I read it had more to do with the flexible pliable pvc. I didn't read it that closely. Maybe I should..lol


Just saying the water supplied from the city to your house probably runs through pvc also. From what I read it had more to do with the flexible pliable pvc. I didn't read it that closely. Maybe I should..lol
pvc+heat like from an hid= dioxin.. wise ass


pvc+heat like from an hid= dioxin.. wise ass
And it worries me because i found a post from someone (maximus) asking if he could use PVC to hold his lighting:


And get lot of PVC build requests:


A guy was even worried and asking if PVC cement could be dangerous while actually PVC is carcinogenous:


It is really something we are not warned about, we really need to make some noise around this because it is relatively easy to kick out PVC from our uses. There are lot of other plastics far more safer as u can read.


Active Member
and the next thing that will get screamed about is the cost of using other materials. Copper is an alternative for drain piping in housing, it also costs significantly more than PVC. Car exhaust gives you cancer but you breathe that in everyday amongst a multitude of other possible carcinogins, saccharin is still used to this day btw, it also was proven to cause cancer. ABS piping is NOT as durable, it is much more brittle, I've been a plumber for over 25 years, trust me on this. And from what I am reading most of the problems arise from the soft forms of PVC. PEX piping is relatively new, I don't see how they could have any LONG term test results on it, (think oxy contin, out for years, oopsie, it might cause heart failure, sorry bout that!) Until the cost of new "safe" materials goes down, I wouldn't expect to see anything change at least not on a wholesale level. I also see no easy way to remove PVC from everyday use, at least not from a plumbing standpoint. As always, it boils down to DOLLARS.


In fact there is a chemical phenomenon called chemical migration which roughly explains that when 2 different materials are in contact sooner or later particles of both will mix with the other.

In this case PH in water will erode at microscope level PVC and push particles into the water.

You dont need heat. Even PET bottles that are the most used ones in mineral water bottles throw plastic on the water with time. Thats why:

1. Plastic water bottles have an best before date (as if the water is sealed microbes are not a problem, but the material of the bottle is one)

2. You are told to store them out of direct sun light (uv will increase plastic degradation into the water, but with or without sun, there will be chemical migration anyway)

Glass when used in the same place where water is obtained is by far the safest material. But overpopulation made 2 decades ago not viable the use of glass for the masses. Brands using glass are niche due to glass prices.

Again what is bad is bad. Do not overcomplicate it. Just ask for products free of PVC and u will be done with the issue.

And Brian here in europe PVC is being fast pushed out of products. Again polyethylene is now far more common and is more durable. And you dont need long time to make long term investigation, you can multiply factors in the lab and push 20 years of use in a pipe in just 1 year or less. Discontinuing PVC is more about greed than any other argument.


Active Member
From my understanding PVC is stable and inert at it's rated temperature. It's in the manufacturing of it that is extremely unhealthy. There was a documentary out a while ago called 'Blue Vinyl'.

It's actually very good and insightful.


Active Member
Unless you grind it up and smoke or snort it, the chances of getting cancer from polyvinyl chloride piping is less than your chances of getting struck by lightning while winning the lottery. Be serious people, there are a lot of things to worry about but cancer from PVC is way down there.You should be more nervous about the chemicals you are growing with.


Well-Known Member
from what i am understanding in the wiki article in post#1 under the safety section was that many, many, MANY things in the everyday word contain these toxic chemicals (baby chew toys, sex toys lol and even goes as far as the shower curtain in your bathroom) these products all contain plastic softeners aka plasticizers, and these are the root of the problems at least thats what that article says about safety. now as far as the hid lights heating up the plastics to the point of releasing these 'toxins' im pretty sure all of the pvc piping has a heat rating on it and as long as your not incinerating the pipe in your home im sure your not going to come down with a sudden case of cancer lol, now the only reason it says the chew toys/sex toys etc etc... is of course they are put in the mouth and well other areas of the body this makes them dangerous so now now people please do not burn this stuff in your home, eat it or well insert it in any part of the body and you 'may' live another few years cancer free.


Active Member
and the irony of this all, you're sucking smoke into your lungs, worrying about cancer causing pipes. Multiplying factors is not the same, it's merely a hypothesis. If it doesn't start to show adverse effects for 15 years, a 3 year study multiplied by 5 is inaccurate, no? I'm all for ending its use for baby toys and what not, I've also heard the stories/studies about bottled water. But for certain uses, I don't see PVC being phased out, from a plumbing stand point, PVC pipe is used for drainage, not potable water so unless you drink out of a grey water collection system, in this aspect, PVC is safe to use.


Well-Known Member
PVC has ratings that need to be followed for safe use. The cost of pipe is a factor, schedule 40 pvc is 6$ a foot for 4" and schedual 80 PVC is 60$ a foot and all the pvc is covered with a thin coating that prevents anything from sticking to it, that's why you should use a primer before gluing.

As pointed out all your city water is pvc or will be.


which would have water running through it to cool it. so it should never be hot enough to cause this. Thanks for the personal attack.
well your a smart ass was simply pointing out the obvious.. your kind of a dick, and irl id prolly knock your teeth out
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