Pythium fear


Active Member
Hi people. I've got a dwc with insufficient cooling (this will be changed). The water temperature is 21c -25c from what I remember pythium can come about when water temps get to 21c. My problem is deciding what to do.. I've got 12 babies and theyve had a rough start to life, also with the fear of pythium and the fact it will cling to or bind to the plastics of my system should I rip them out and start again once the ventilation is sorted which could be a few weeks?

BTW the roots have started to hit the water and seem ok atm but I'm very worried.



Well-Known Member
You can run elevated temps when using beneficial microbes. There is a a thread on this forum entitled Beneficial Microbes.


Active Member
Thats gonna be alot more work and seems quite complicated to me. I'll definatly look into it more but do you think they will get or have go pythium now or soon?
Thanks for the quick reply.


Well-Known Member
Thats gonna be alot more work and seems quite complicated to me. I'll definatly look into it more but do you think they will get or have go pythium now or soon?
Thanks for the quick reply.
It really isn't much work at all, especially considering the benefits, and the cost of alternative methods of cooling the res.. There is an initial start up cost though. The good news is, pythium isn't likely to set in if you have plenty of oxygen in the water. Elevated temps can cause problems with slime and gunk, and then pythium can set in once the roots get strangled, so keep an eye out for that.


Well-Known Member
You could look into using a rootzone conditioner which will kill off
good and bad growth, Dutch Master Zone is one for instance.

You could also look into using coolers like many do for DWC, or
simply rotating out frozen bottles of water to fight the temps.

Beneficials would definitely be the way to go as they're proven
to work and also benefit your plants beyond just killing of bad
growth. You're temps arn't THAT far off from a safe area, so
I think with a bit of learning and some work you could be golden.