Question about an Autoflower


New Member
I have a few leafs that are drying out on the bottom of my plant. It looks as though its going to start budding any day now. Would it be alright to pull off these leafs? The only reason I am asking is because I heard Autoflowers do not like to be stressed. Will this be to much stress on my baby.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member

Can you post a pic as it's hard to say without seeing your plant
Dr. Jekyll

Typically if the leaves are yellow/brown they are near dead.
If they are dead, you can give them the slightest tug and they will come off
Mr. Hyde


Well-Known Member
If they don't fall naturally just leave them. Also my auto don't stress easy? Just keep them on 20/4 from seed and you're good. I transplant my autos too frequently and hey do fine.


New Member
Yeah I went ahead and pulled them. They were actually easy to come off. I read a little about them and seen that it would be ok if they were drying as long as they were easy to come off. I would love to post a pic of her I just dont know how. Thanks for your response