Question about bone meal

I just transplanted this young'un into a larger tub of nutriated soil, and was wondering if this would be a good time to slip her a little bone meal to help kick-start some big-time rooting. I was thinking of using about a half-tsp of the stuff mixed with some soil and making a kind of slurry to side-dress the pot.
Good idea? Lousy idea? What say you, forum?



Active Member
I just transplanted this young'un into a larger tub of nutriated soil, and was wondering if this would be a good time to slip her a little bone meal to help kick-start some big-time rooting. I was thinking of using about a half-tsp of the stuff mixed with some soil and making a kind of slurry to side-dress the pot.
Good idea? Lousy idea? What say you, forum?
I'd be very careful with bonemeal, I use it on my outdoor shrubs etc but only very sparingly, however experiments with it in small containers with MJ plants has proved to be just too 'hot' for the roots to handle in restricted space. I can understand your thinking, but personally I'd leave it out.

See what others think? Better off to use a drop of superthrive in my opinion, but even with that you have to be careful.