Question about closet ventilation


Active Member
So, for the first time in my life I live completely alone, and I decided I may as well grow something. My only issue is with how to get proper ventilation through my grow space.

The space I have is a 20 sq foot closet that is roughly 10 feet high. I only plan on having maybe 4 plants growing in there, but I am worried about the smell and properly ventilating the area. It is a one bedroom apt, the only ac unit is in a different room, and the heat is a steam system, so there are no vents. The closet is in my bedroom and is a few feet away from a window, but I can't keep the window open in the winter, and it is on the first floor, so if there is a pungent aroma, anyone walking by the window could catch wind of it.

I guess the question is, if I keep the closet door closed, would the one inch crack at the bottom of the door be sufficient for proper air circulation. Also, would the smell from a few plants be strong enough that it would eminate into the hallway, which is through the living room like 25 feet away. And if I need a smell reduction system of some sort, what would you guys reccomend for a small scale operation like this.


Well-Known Member
welcome to the forum. Smell won't be a problem to start with. Ventilation won't be until you introduce high power, or lots of, lights. Which is good cause you will have time to read. Check out some 'Closet Grow Room' journals posted in the forum, many of them with pictures. 2 or 3 should give you a good idea. You have extra height so you will have space for ..... VV


Well-Known Member
aye. VV gave you some good advice. i read and researched for about 4 months before buying a single thing for my closet grow. this site has a lot of good resources at your disposal. good luck! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Yep - i also agree. You can waste money now or you can research and spend it wisely later.