question about compost and weeds?

the russian man

Active Member
So i have a compost bin which is like 30 gai and i put all of my earth back there from the previous years, and i cleaned the dirt of roots of course and then later on started throwing like leftover fish from cast netting like heads and tails and such and now i started throwing veggies like garlic,onions peels, and lots of tomato left over or rotten tomatoes, and a week or two go by until weeds start growing out like crazy from my compost bin?!? and idk if they are lil onions or tomatoes but when i pick the weeds of with the roots they are sometimes attached to the tomatoes i threw in the earlier (of course the tomato is like halfway composted) and i wonder what can i do to prevent these fro growing out again? as i am wanting to use this dirt this year for like guerrilla/stealth grow. any suggestions and sorry i am pretty intoxicated and a nooby at composting things hah, any advice is welcome,

P.S i am also in FL and the weather here has bin nice high 50's or sometimes even low 60's at night and high 70's and occasional 80's at day time and tis compost is perfect i think for this year because the ground stays moist and when i squeeze it it compresses but its easily broken apart.


Well-Known Member
I would just turn it over more often...anything will grow in a compost bin---plants love it...I wouldn't worry too much though...just stir it to the bottom and then the weeds will also get broken down and used later...

the russian man

Active Member
ok thanks guys +rep to you guys umm thats what i thought too but once my plants outgrow the others they should kill them off right? or do weeds always try to compete?


Well-Known Member
If you're turning regularly the weed seeds should eventually die off and shouldn't be a problem any more the other thing is to try to keep weed seeds out of your can compost weeds...just don't let them go to seed.


Well-Known Member
Also you need to start a new pile. You want the compost to brake down for a year befor useing as soil. You can add worms to help get what you've already got going finish.


Well-Known Member
there comes a time to stop putting things into a compost pile that way it can do the full composting action.
you keep adding cereal to the bowl while you eat and the bowl never empties.. same concept.

just keep on turning it.. youll be all right.

is it a guerrilla grow that you dont want discovered because someone saw a tomato plant in the woods?
if not why worry?

the russian man

Active Member
no man i just don't want the weed plabnts to have competition when they are growing up, speaking of which I'm a week in to growing already i got 11 seedlings in pots so far they showed their first pair of true leaves already and soon will go into the 3's... thanks guys. so you guys are saying if i grow in compost now will it harm my plants or anything? cuz I'm starting to get a little worried, what if the compost didn't degrade all the way yet..can it mess with my plants in the future or should i be fine?


Well-Known Member
You should be fine. Just when you use it try not to add non decomposed frutes. As far as compitision? They will. It's a out door grow. You are going to need to weed your weed. Lol

the russian man

Active Member
:( i came to my plants today and they were all gone some still had stems standing up, some had roots on the top of the earth, i flipping hate little furry animals that eat my shit, no big deal tho, i have about 200 more seeds....


Well-Known Member
Yup, them rabbits n deer will fuck up your situation real quick.

Maybe a cage to protect your lovelies?

the russian man

Active Member
n worries 3 more plants started and they are about 2 1/2 weeks old and growing real quick and nice in the florida sun... ahh cannot wait until those lovely white hairs will pop out and i will be set and no more worries but for now my only worries is not to end up with 3 males -_- and i got my supersoil mixed and my whole setup is ready just trying to decide on whether or not i should do LST this year or not lol

the russian man

Active Member
Hey guys i am updating o how I'm doing with my grow, well as you know i have 3 plants, and they were all in 2 gallons, except for now i have 2 in 10 gallons and 1 left in the 2 gal still, but i am concerned about 1 of the plants i transplanted to the 10 gals bc the plant smelled really strong already but when i repotted it i accidentally broke off some long roots and i got the rootball only... and now the plant smells like grass... liked fresh grass lol, but here are some pics... in order the first one is the biggest, second one is getting LST'd and the third one smells the strongest and then a pic of all of them before they got transplanted..View attachment 2095720View attachment 2095716View attachment 2095717View attachment 2095718