Question about eating oil


Well-Known Member
Hey guys and gals,

So I have a vaporizor and make black oil out of the remains, it gets you ripped but it taste horrible. I make it with iso and cook all the alchohol out and am left with that ewwwy goey black oil. My question is, could I have like 4 or 5 lids of the stuff and make some bud butter? I know drinking the stuff will make you blind but what about eating the oil? Are all the nasty chemicals evaporated out or are there some that would be really bad to ingest?

Don't think this is the right forum but I couldn't find one more appropriate.



Well-Known Member
I'm just worried about what chemical it in iso that makes you blind and I'd like to be sure that was all cooked out


Well-Known Member
I'm just worried about what chemical it in
iso that makes you blind and I'd like to be sure that was all cooked out

yea i wouldent be worried after they went through the oven, just have someone you dont like try them first just to be safe....


Well-Known Member
NO NO NO. Iso is rubbing alcohol. That is really bad for you. Get a triple charcoal filtered butane and make oil with that. You will be a lot better off. Vector oil works good and doesn't leave a taste behind

If you're going to use alcohol use 100% grain alcohol. Ether is great if you can get your hands on it


Well-Known Member
I was going to reply to this thread, "Fuck yeah eat that shit!" Then I saw you were using rubbing alcohol. Isopropyl will make you go blind. I don't know about in small doses, but why would you want to ingest anything that could make you go blind?

I've eaten hash oil tons of times. It does taste like shit but gets you fucked up. My favorite method is just dropping a drop of oil on a hookah coal and inhaling the smoke. It looks like freebasing but works really good. All you need is one drop.


Well-Known Member
I've been smoking oil made from iso for years now and I still see straight (usually made a lid a month). I heard ether is suppose to be much worse for you. How do you make your oil? I don't like the idea of butane, ether is deadly and iso is the only way I've been taught how... I could see not eating it, but your not saying not to smoke oil made from iso right?


Well-Known Member
I've been smoking oil made from iso for years now and I still see straight (usually made a lid a month). I heard ether is suppose to be much worse for you. How do you make your oil? I don't like the idea of butane, ether is deadly and iso is the only way I've been taught how... I could see not eating it, but your not saying not to smoke oil made from iso right?
I should have specified. Sorry. Not straight ether but benzine. Plus it's not an easy process so I take that back. Butane is easy but not safe unless you can do it outdoors.

Butane isn't bad if you get the right kind. I've made hash oil with butane and it was amazing, and edible. Those honeybee extractors are the same method I use except I was using a glass tube instead of plastic.

I wasn't saying not to smoke iso oil. The thread was started about eating it so that's what I was touching on. I wouldn't want to eat anything or smoking from iso but burning it would be better than ingesting it.


Well-Known Member
well that's a reliefe cause I'm hitting a lid of honey right now. I do agree with your point about ingesting it, but that chemical that makes you blind is put there to stop people from drinking it and it's only temporary blindness. Or so I've heard. I got a buddy who says they use to eat oil pills all the time, but he's not the brightest so I guess that's not the best example.


Well-Known Member
Anyone here actually know if eating it will make me go blind? Any chemists in the house tonight maybe? When evaporating iso, is there anything dangerous left?


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt make it a habit but there will be no harm eating it every now and again!think about the shit we ingest all the time shits pretty sick if you ask me! 75 percent of what we eat is shit that we cant even prenounce !!!!


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt make it a habit but there will be no harm eating it every now and again!think about the shit we ingest all the time shits pretty sick if you ask me! 75 percent of what we eat is shit that we cant even prenounce !!!!
ya that's basically what I was thinking and wanted to hear. Like I could make butter straight from the weed, but then it tastes horrible, so I'm going to make another lb of butter, this time I'm gonna add a few lids of oil instead of the actualy weed remains.


Well-Known Member
ya that's basically what I was thinking and wanted to hear. Like I could make butter straight from the weed, but then it tastes horrible, so I'm going to make another lb of butter, this time I'm gonna add a few lids of oil instead of the actualy weed remains.
What is your process for making butter?

I make butter and it never tastes bad. If you do it right you can barely taste it in the food, and sometimes you can't taste it at all.

1. I take my sticks of butter and melt them in a pot. While I'm melting the butter I boil water in a larger pot than the butter is in.
2. Add herb to the melted butter and put that pot inside of the pot with the boiling water. It's basically a poor mans double boiler. If you have a double boiler, even better.
3. Let the herb sit in the hot butter and stir every 5-10 minutes for 1-2 hours. 1 hour is good enough but if you want to get every bit of that thc out go for 2.
4. Line a bowl with cheese cloth and pour in your butter and herb. Let sit until it's cool enough to handle.
5. Wash your hands and have a garbage near by. Grab the sides of the cheese cloth and lift up and the cloth will strain the herb out. Theres tons of butter still soaked into the herb. Squeeeeeeeeeeze the hell out of the cheesecloth and get as much of the butter as you can then toss the big ball of buttered herb in the trash.
6. Voila! Pour into a mold or keep it in the bowl and toss it in the fridge.

Now I'm going to get all Martha Stewart. For the holidays, pour your liquid butter into fun shaped cookie molds and have fun ganja butter stocking stuffers :)


Well-Known Member
I do mine a little bit differently. First off I only use leaves and shake. 2nd off I cook it in a crock pot for about 8 hours on low, then I strain with a cheese cloth, the result is green butter that is eatable, but definatly not tasty.