Question about FoxFarm "Natural and Organic pottin soil"


New Member
Ok, so I used about a 1/5 of this HUGE bag of FoxFarm "Natural and Organic pottin soil" ABOUT 3 months ago, and am currently running an excellent grow using it.

SO, it has been sitting outside (under a bench that shields it from MOST water) and the bag is wrapped up....

HERE IS THE QUESTION: HOW LONG is the soil good for? As in: Can I use it on my next grow in like 2 months, (the bag has been sitting outside for 5 months by that point)?? Or is it a total loss?

The soil still feels pretty good, here are some pictures.

The soil:


The bag.

Any comments/suggestions is welcome, thanks everyone.....have a great day. :leaf:

Sailor Jerry

Well-Known Member
I'm using a bag of Ocean Forest that I bought last march. Everything is going well. I'm not sure if soil has an expiration date.


I would recommend keeping it inside from now on, but yeah other than a few bugs who found their way in but not out it should be fine.