Question about general health of plants/transplanting.. Pics included, thanks!

Hi, newbie here as well.. It would be much appreciated if some one could help me with a few questions I have in regards to the general health of these wee guys and if I should move them to larger pots..

The pot sizes are about the size and depth of a large coffee mug at the moment & I was just wondering when/if I should move them to a larger pot?
They are under cfl's and its been about 2 weeks since they sprouted. The two on the left were planted in tomato fertiliser and the two on the right were planted in standard garden fertiliser (that's all I had :$ ), seems like the tomato fertiliser couple are doing noticeably much better then the other two, One in particular looks like its dying or something's going on!? Any ideas? Thanks for all the help great site been reading the forums on here for awhile now good to finally join!

pic 1 - all four of them. Right tomato fert, left normal garden fert.
Pic 2 - the one that looks like its dying or something.
Pic 3 - the tomato fert couple.
sorry the photos are upside down using phone to upload and can't get them to rotate..
Thanks for all the input!



Well-Known Member
-What you have will work for the next 7 - 10 days, assuming decent growth.

-Yeah, one soil is clearly more cannabis friendly than the other, though there's no way to tell why there is a difference with the info provided.

-It doesn't look like it's having a problem to me. What are you seeing?

Let me talk to you about your watering habits. You are giving the plants a small amount of water frequently, I can tell from the pics. You need to water the soil they are in thoroughly, and then wait for them to grow into the moisture. That means waiting many days for plants that small to grow into it, many days of you just observing them with no fixes. Be patient.

If you don't do this, the roots will never grow into the soil that never gets wet.

If you water a wet planter again before they have used the moisture already available to them, you are overwatering.

Good luck