Question About Glycerin


Well-Known Member
Hi I made some glycerin a couple weeks ago. Initially I had no response from it. I mixed it with tea. But i have read post saying to put it under your tongue and when they do that they feel it in 2 hours. My question is do you have to keep the glycerin under your tongue for that long. or can you just put it there and then drink water and wash it down. I know a lot of people in the big thread said that the whole thing is bogus but I was just curious if anyone has had any luck.


Active Member
How did you make it? How much glycerin and bud was used? Glycerin tinctures are not "bogus" and are quite common...
Drop it under your tongue and let it sit until you need to swallow... it should only take 20-30 min to feel the effects that way.


Active Member
right, depending on the strength, you can start feeling the effects immediately, sometimes just two drops under the tongue is enough to do it... i do about 3 gm kief to 3 oz glycerine, and it works like a charm... it always depends on the strength of the tink, quality of the bud and duration under the tongue... glycerine is so sweet that i just leave it until my lips tingle, that's how i know it's working... what dan asks is really the important info here...


I've made tincs a couple times, and i've always had really good luck with them. I've found it best to use 1oz GOOD medicine to 1 cup (8fl. oz.) of Food Grade Glycerin. If you don't want to use that much, cut the recipe in half, 1/2 oz bud to 4oz glycerin. 1/4=2oz 1/8=1oz. You can get glycerin at craft stores or order it online. When you first try it, i recommend letting it extract for at least 2 months. Make sure you keep it in a very warm, dark place. And shake it everyday, at LEAST 3 times a day, for about 10 minutes.

After you're comfortable with it, you can try tweaking the steps a little bit. I've got it down to a 2 week process. Favorite use for the tinc? Lollipops. I make lollipops with a liquid tincture core. Approximately 6 drops in the core. Good for just about anything, and dosage is very easily controlled, just grab a lolly that suits the mood.

If anyone else has experience with candies or tincs. PM me. I'd love to compare notes.