question about harvest time and trichomes

Lady luck

Hello. I have some plants that have been into bloom 12-12 for only 45 days and I checked them with a 60 power microscope and I have some plants with all cloudy trichomes and some amber ones. How could this be possible at 45 days? I am growing some blueberry and a white widow northers lights cross and some ny diesel. Do plants ever mature that fast? I thought it took at least 55 days and more. I have them under a hps 600. I dont want to harvest too early but dont want them to go too long either. Please help if you can. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
if half or more of the trichomes are amber color then id say you can harvest them, even though that does seem soon at 45 days.


Well-Known Member
That does seem soon for those strains but the trics don't lie. Cut em down. If they are small you could try molasses or other techniques (48 of darkness) to plump them up.


Well-Known Member
I have had a strain that would be ready at 4-5 weeks everytime. I tryed like crazy to fatten the buds faster, but could not. So I just ran out the strain. But crazy huh 4-5 weeks everytime.