Question about molly?


Active Member
Ok so me and my buddys are going to do molly tonight.
I was wondering how much is one hit of molly? (ex. .1, .2, .3)

Also how much to take for a first time user?


Well-Known Member
First time user i would recommend .15 and you will be monged (as long as it's unstomped), if you don't want to be too fucked then .1


Well-Known Member
a dose is .1 I would recommend a .2 Its not like a psychedelic where youll end up having a bad trip if you do to much(within reason). I usually eat .3-.5 and roll face but ive done close to a gram spaced over a few hours. It took me 3 days to get completely back to normal

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
a dose is .1 I would recommend a .2 Its not like a psychedelic where youll end up having a bad trip if you do to much(within reason). I usually eat .3-.5 and roll face but ive done close to a gram spaced over a few hours. It took me 3 days to get completely back to normal
Yeah, once in college we got a qp of molly from a chemistry professor. We attacked the bag with butter knifes. By the emd of the binge I just wanted it to stop. I must have done at least 15 hits in the first 24 about bad for the brain....


Well-Known Member
id just go with the .2 it aint gonna hurt ya and more than likely its not top notch so you dont wanna drop the money on a .1 and not really feel it IMO


Well-Known Member
a dose is .1 I would recommend a .2 Its not like a psychedelic where youll end up having a bad trip if you do to much(within reason). I usually eat .3-.5 and roll face but ive done close to a gram spaced over a few hours. It took me 3 days to get completely back to normal
Sounds like you're getting some heavily cut MDMA


Well-Known Member
For a first timer 125-150mg should do very nicely. You've got all the time in the world to explore it in higher doses.


Well-Known Member
Your problem is knowing if it is real, if you got something that isn't all, or isn't at all mdma then if it is your first time, and first time with this particular batch you might want to go a bit slower, if there is some speed in it or some other RC hitting it at 100 + might not always be such a good idea. If I know it is the real thing then 125 and then another 50 in a coupld of hours is great. In the old days I liked 225 and then 100 but.. well.. that was in the old days and I always knew I had the real thing.