question about obtaining my MMPC.


Well-Known Member
i have a Medical History of missed school days (back in early grades) all throughout my School Life (Kindergarten - 12th) of me missing days, and also going to the hospital because of Migraines. (not your normal headaches, excruciating painful throbbing migraines) i have a Medical History of Migraines that i plan on presenting when i go for my Medical Card. i'd also like to add that my Grandpa (on Medical record) died from Migraine Related problems, my dad ALSO had a Migraine Medical History when he was alive. i still get Migraines to this day, and nothing will help it. I've tried Tylenol, Mydol, Acetaminophen, Showers, Baths, Head-On, Advil, and nothing works. (i am allergic to any of the other major pills)

but back about a year ago i had a splitting Migraine and it felt like my head was going to explode. i looked over on the table and i seen like, half a joint left. i asked who's it was, etc. and i ended up smoking it. literally not even 5 minutes after smoking it i completely forgot about my Migraine and it had gone away completely.

so my question is, would i be able to get Medical Marijuana solely from my Migraine Problems if i present the appropriate Medical Records and this information i've supplied here?

if not, i also have major Insomnia Issues (not diagnosed with Insomnia because i haven't gone to a hospital or doctor for it) along with Joint Pain in my Right Pointer Finger due to breaking it when i was younger and it never healing properly.

so if i can't solely get Medical Marijuana from my Migraines, would i be approved if i included the Insomnia and Joint Pain?

thanks for reading and i hope you can answer my question.

(yes Medical Marijuana is legal where i live)