Question about outdoor trichomes


Active Member
Hello Everyone!! My first post- My first garden (see my gallery) I'm trying to base my harvest on the trichomes- last week they were clear, yesterday they're turning cloudy about 20%. Does anyone know the window (time frame) of how fast they turn from cloudy to amber? Or should Ijust continue to check daily. I'm trying to get the stoniest bud-

It rained last night and this AM- I live in CALI- and I was sweating it. But we shook them off really good this morning whenthe sun peaked out- it added a lot of weight to the big ones on top, so we just tied them up better.

I've learned a lot from your posts- I hope someone can shed some light onthe trichomes sitch...

Thanks a lot! :joint:


Uses the Rollitup profile
The trichomes turn from clear to milky to amber in about a month. But you will find that there will be some turning and others are still clear. You want to look for most of them to be milky and some start to be amber for the stoniest high.

HTH :mrgreen:


Active Member
It's a matter of preference.T.H.C. production peaks when trichomes are cloudy.Amber means T.H.C. production is declining. However,I and some others,believe that there is something to be gained by a percent of Amber trichomes.You definitely get more of a body buzz with some amber trichomes.Personal preference.