Question about "Trees" ?


Well-Known Member
I am just wondering, an maybe this should be under the "noob" section, but I figured its an outdoor growing curiosity question, so.....

I noticed over the recent years (and I guess it existed in the past), that some folks are capable of growing TREES, not just single stalked thin and lanky plants.

I mean, sure I have seen indica bushes that are nice and huge, but I mean the ones that yield like 6-10lbs off one plant, that have a main trunk the thickness of a small coffee can, and many thicker off shoots.

My question:

HOW ON EARTH do you grow something that big? Like, what are the steps? Cannabis is not an perenneal plant, so it would not be something that was done of a few years, in a super warm climate. I know that a high heat climate, and excellent care of the plant have something to do with it, but I mean seriously.....HOW?!

I have googled it, searched high and low, and really could not find any info on how people do it. I do not intend on ever doing it myself, but I am curious how it is done :)

Its a horticulture question that has been bugging me for a while now!



Active Member
they probably pick a high yield strain, dig a huge hole, give it tons of sun and nutes, and top it. thats all i can think of

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
very simple
veg indoors for 6-8 months then place outdoor at the start of the growing season to finish


Well-Known Member
Ah, ok so they're topped/fimmed and kept in vegetative state for a LONG time first, to allow them to grow, then stuck outdoors in a very sunny climate I assume?

That still, to me, doesn't explain the monstrous size of the stalks. We're talking.... THICK like a small tree (diameter of a good 5 inches sometimes, HUGE). Is that some ridiculous strain and genetic selection, to ensure such healthy growth? I am not sure... but its a marvel to look at :)

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
Ah, ok so they're topped/fimmed and kept in vegetative state for a LONG time first, to allow them to grow, then stuck outdoors in a very sunny climate I assume?

That still, to me, doesn't explain the monstrous size of the stalks. We're talking.... THICK like a small tree (diameter of a good 5 inches sometimes, HUGE). Is that some ridiculous strain and genetic selection, to ensure such healthy growth? I am not sure... but its a marvel to look at :)
it just seems that way
weed naturally grows huge outdoors (yes even indica dom strains)
we indoor growers are just used to seeing'em short that we forget that if left in there natural setting they will grow huge they have found sativas 15-18 feet tall growing untouched
lets no forget it is a weed
i've found non pot weeds growing by abandoned building that where big as hell


Well-Known Member
it just seems that way
weed naturally grows huge outdoors (yes even indica dom strains)
we indoor growers are just used to seeing'em short that we forget that if left in there natural setting they will grow huge they have found sativas 15-18 feet tall growing untouched
lets no forget it is a weed
i've found non pot weeds growing by abandoned building that where big as hell
I was sort of getting that idea bouncing around me head, the part you said about it being a WEED, and those things grow like crazy! Wish I lived somewhere really warm and tropical!


Well-Known Member
Once you master supplying what "the plant" needs it will grow to its full potential. Sunshine and the correct Ph, nutes and it takes off. There is no one recipe as the temp/soil/humidity/strain/water amounts all play into whether it gets really large. First start with the best genetics and if it grows big great if not still great as you will have "Quality" not just "Quantity"!


Well-Known Member
WOW! those plants look amazing doublejj!

Just curious, how'd you get so many shoots off the stalk near the bottom? Was it topped, or is it just an indica variety that is very bushy and tends to grow wide?

Yea, badmf, I guess you're right, but I live in a climate that doesn't really allow me to do that, as well as my living quarters don't have the space to keep a plant indoors for like 5 months before I take it outside :(

One day, friends, one day.....:)


Well-Known Member
IMG_0579.jpgIMG_0577.jpg I don't know about trees, but I know about big bushes! This is what's possible in a single season, they were strated in a GH May 5th, and planted May 25th. Harvested 4-5 pounds per plant mid October. Just takes lots of Sun, lots of root space, lots of water, and lots of love! Oh, and some luck with the weather.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1605635View attachment 1605634
View attachment 1605631View attachment 1605626 I don't know about trees, but I know about big bushes! This is what's possible in a single season, they were strated in a GH May 5th, and planted May 25th. Harvested 4-5 pounds per plant mid October. Just takes lots of Sun, lots of root space, lots of water, and lots of love! Oh, and some luck with the weather.
At this point, I can tell I can achieve that (seeing as I usually start arounf the same time you do), but I just need to live in a MUCH warmer climate with more sunshine. :)


Well-Known Member
It's not sooo much warmer, as it is the light hours. That's one reason Norcal growers get big pants. We have very long summer days, that turn short quick, which makes the buds get dense and heavy. But yea, you gotta be in a warm climate, but too hot can be counter productive.
At this point, I can tell I can achieve that (seeing as I usually start arounf the same time you do), but I just need to live in a MUCH warmer climate with more sunshine. :)


Well-Known Member
WOW! those plants look amazing doublejj!

Just curious, how'd you get so many shoots off the stalk near the bottom? Was it topped, or is it just an indica variety that is very bushy and tends to grow wide?

Yea, badmf, I guess you're right, but I live in a climate that doesn't really allow me to do that, as well as my living quarters don't have the space to keep a plant indoors for like 5 months before I take it outside :(

One day, friends, one day.....:)
If you are in a short season region you may still grab a small spot in a closet or garage etc to veg and drop after the last frost. Also look into strains that flourish in your area and finish quicker. But as I said go with quality first! Remember if you put out plants that were under 18+ hours of indoor lite they need to be slowly adjusted to current conditions so it won't go into bloom and then re-veg. Not desirable! PS; you don't need to veg for 5 months just til they are 16-24" and transplant outdoors you may not get trees but nice sized bushes!


Well-Known Member
Yup badmf, that's my usual route! get them to about 1.5foot and take them to their outdoor spot :) I think it may just be the strains I choose and the crappy climate I live in (way north). Wouldn't mind living in Cali!