Question concerning Co2 generator and Carbon Filter...


Active Member
I have a large Carbon filter on continuously inside my garden room. I'm about to add a nice co2 Generator to the room but want to know if its neccesary to turn off the Carbon filter during the co2 spells or not? In other words will the filter have adverse effects to the co2 being generated?

I want to keep the room consistent w/ co2/ ppm levels, 1300-1500ppm, so I have the room completely sealed running 2 1000 watt lights on cool tubes and just put the filter inside so it always acts as a filter and a fan that simulates the "wind"... never have i had it venting the room out because I have been under the impression it really doesnt matter much when your running a co2 system (and even when not running co2 I still get pretty juicy tomatos w/ it being totally sealed). Right or wrong?

I figured the amount of times I open the door that that is enough to exchange all the air inside and give it a "fresh source".



I just got a water cooled LPG co2 generator they are the nuts, i installed it outside of my room and the co2 is ducted in with basically zero heat! the best thing i have purchased for my hydroponics set up ever, constant high levels of CO2, love it!