Question for Exp. Outdoor Growers. A Couple of 's?


Well-Known Member
Last year I grew 2 plants in my yard in 3 gallon pots. I induced early flowering proly a few weeks early. I got 6 ounces from the 2 and the were about 3 foot each, so ya the formula there is pretty close.
I didnt lst or anything, just topped each @the 5th node to get 2 main colas per plant.


Well-Known Member
basically i think he means he switched to 12/12 before the plant pre flowered if it was out doors prolly my putting it in a dark place when time was up am not sure tho


Active Member
i did this as well last year. took my potted plants indoor in a completely dark room for 12 hours and then took em out again. had to do this everyday so i made sure the pots werent too big ;)

worked though.
^ yea i know what inducing early flower out door is, i just wanted some more feedback on it, like when he started takin em in, beg of july? and how early did u harvest compared to a full season, and how much, etc just recount some details b/c i dont see a whole lot of people doin this and makin journals about it, hell i might just go the whole season


Well-Known Member
am actually doing it, (i veged for 5 weeks) after forcing them i realized my lights arn't enough to flower pure sat so i takem out daily (the plants in my sig are them)


Well-Known Member
I light depo plants all the time. I have 2 grow tents inside. I take the plants outside for all the direct sun they can get here, which is about 8 hours. I bring them in, and put them under hps lights for the other 4 hours of the 12, and then the lights go out at 8 oclock at night, and they stay inside till 8 in the morning, and so on. If your gonna do what your trying to do, it would work great, if you have them in 5 gallon buckets, and start bringing them into the dark at 8 oclock at night, starting July 1st, and put them back out at 8 A.M. Do that for about 5 weeks, and then the light schedule will naturally finish them flowering without having to move them anymore. You will get good, solid heavy buds, and keep your plants from getting too noticable, and you should get a QP each plant no problem at all.
so if ibrought my plants in at 8 pm into a dark room i would then put them outside at 8 am to 8 pm then bring them inside to a dark room and just repeat for 5 weeks then i can jus let them finish outside?

i get bout 6-7 hours of direct sunlight but i do have over 12 hours of daylight would this still be okay.

and i cant bring them in under a hps lik wheezer can.


Just a side-note to you guys, I took my plants outside for most of the day and when I brought them back in I noticed they had spider mites. Luckily I bought some insecticidal soap recently so I was prepared to eliminate them before they get too bad. Just warning ya though, inspect your plants when bringing them back inside


I light depo plants all the time. I have 2 grow tents inside. I take the plants outside for all the direct sun they can get here, which is about 8 hours. I bring them in, and put them under hps lights for the other 4 hours of the 12, and then the lights go out at 8 oclock at night, and they stay inside till 8 in the morning, and so on. If your gonna do what your trying to do, it would work great, if you have them in 5 gallon buckets, and start bringing them into the dark at 8 oclock at night, starting July 1st, and put them back out at 8 A.M. Do that for about 5 weeks, and then the light schedule will naturally finish them flowering without having to move them anymore. You will get good, solid heavy buds, and keep your plants from getting too noticable, and you should get a QP each plant no problem at all.

this is a strange thread without a clear question...... however............ this info above from weezer makes me happy. I have been bringing plants in and out all spring. The plants are doing much better than my indoor only. I'm optimistic on getting a few ounces off each and good solid buds (as compared to indoor only)

sometimes a thread confuses me because I'm way too stoned, but I understood that information, thanks