Question for FOX FARM nute users!!! +rep


Well-Known Member

I have a question for users of fox farm nutes. I am a noob, i currently have 5 girls :lol: (4 swiss cheese, 1 moby dick) that are egh 2 inches tall (4 days old). I am headed to wormsway on wed to buy a whole bundle of stuff :-P:leaf::-Pincluding the fox farm nute trip (BB, TB, and GB).

My question is...

Should i go ahead and get the open sesami, cha ching, bestie bloomz as well? Will this be to "complicated" or a dumbass move to try and master them all at once?

Fyi I know to take it slow and ease the girls into each... I picked up a feeding schedual while i was there browsing the other day and it seems to make it sound doable...

Let me know what you think!!

Thanks CC:bigjoint:


Active Member
yes the main nutrients you want are grow big , tiger bloom , big bloom , open sesamie , beastie bloomz , cha ching ...also use root excelerator and multi enzyme by house and garden highly suggested and just combine with fox farm at proper timing