Question. For LP's


Well-Known Member
if the LP's gave good pricing & quality meds, we would beat down their doors making orders but since they sell crap & big prices, why go there? hi priced crap? eat a kobe beef steak & look in the toilet the next day-high priced crap.
i agree that they should be an option-not the forced.
i think when i am asked, i'll check it out, if I'm forced-I will fight.
I agree. I hate being forced to do anything.


Well-Known Member
I get what you're saying, but what kind of person goes into a business spending millions before they even have authorization to earn?
The gamblers with deep pockets. Not only do they gotta keep the place afloat while getting licensed, but also once they are licensed. None of the big lps are actually gonna make any money until legalization


Well-Known Member
Yes and no. There is a difference. I give it to whomever I choose. I dont have people calling me asking free meds. The lps business is based around selling to sick people. They cant sell to rec users. Technically everyone should get compassionate pricing or free weed. Why doesnt your mechanic fix your car for free? I mean you need it to get to work and support your family. Not only do they gotta make a living but they got a board and shareholders to report to. And with a market that only has 40,000 potential customers and only 15000 lookimg to buy, AND it takes millions to get this business off the ground, im not surprised that their prices are high. Not to mention potetionally unlimited competition and the inability to advertise.
I think the lps have a place in med pot in canada. Its for those who cannot grow for themselves and have immune deficiencies that could harm them if some sort of bacteria or mold was in their product. Unfortunately the lps were setup to fail by hc. Over regulation, extremely stringent requirements and tons of red tape have driven the startup costs sky high. And rcmp background checks have kept those who might have actually grown in the past from running these places.
In short, I have the ability to it away for free, while the multimillion dollar corporation cant afford to lol
More fucking double speak apologies for corporate weed profiteers trying to make money of SICK AND DYING PEOPLE.

I'm tired of shills like you in this forum coming here and giving apologies for why shitty, greedy rich assholes charge too much for their weed. Oh, the MMPR made them build infrastructure? Boo fucking who! Take your ass over to Leafley with this bullshit, this is a forum for PATIENTS, not clowns and corporate whores.


Well-Known Member
70 year olds???.... bongsmilie How many do you know ???

Spare us the BS. You can't comprehend apparently.

LP's have NO PLACE!
USING Patients to get where they're going is utter crap!!!!


Well-Known Member
I know 2 that are using mmj.
Patients don't have to buy from an LP, they can grow their own, buy from a CC, buy from a friend, or buy from the BM.
They should have the option to buy from an LP though.
Taking away any option from a patient is not a good thing.


Well-Known Member
I know 2 that are using mmj.
Patients don't have to buy from an LP, they can grow their own, buy from a CC, buy from a friend, or buy from the BM.
They should have the option to buy from an LP though.
Taking away any option from a patient is not a good thing.

if it was LEGAL... getting it .........wouldn't be a problem!!!!!!!

TONS could get it for FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or next to nothing when grown in a field!!!!


@doobius..:lol: anger issues... ya think?
Funny how some have no comprehension...:idea:


Well-Known Member
Being legal, and I do mean legal would solve all the issues.
I think that the legal that will eventually come will not be what most of us envision legal as.
Washington St, Colorado, Oregon, Alaska are "legal" that the form of legal that we want?

I don't think there are fields of weed that residents from these states can go pick for free.


Well-Known Member
Actually I know quite a few. And I know quite a few wheelchair bound people who canr grow for themselves either. And otherwise disabled people as well. But no gb, everyone must be in the same boat as you. Everyone wants to grow.
Why would want to take away an option for patients? If they cant grow and you dont want them to have lps as source, it sounds to me like you are trying to take away reasonable access. Maybe the disabled should be rallying against you for trying to take away their rights. You are doing exactly what hc is doing except from the opposite direction.
Of course legalization would make access easier. But we werent discussing that.


Well-Known Member
Being legal, and I do mean legal would solve all the issues.
I think that the legal that will eventually come will not be what most of us envision legal as.
Washington St, Colorado, Oregon, Alaska are "legal" that the form of legal that we want?

I don't think there are fields of weed that residents from these states can go pick for free.
Of course not. But all the little sheep here believe Trudeau will 'legalize' it so it's free for all. What he wants is a corporate MMPR system opened up to all consumers, or force us to buy 'grow boxes' and limit plant totals. that's not real legalization.


Well-Known Member
Yup, they see selling weed to sick folks as their next get rich quick scheme.......well that won't work if we don't cooperate.
Unfortunately, this forum has been taken over by those who want to pretend we can find a 'middle ground'. Just cooperate with Hitler and we can appease him! You don't negotiate with evil, you oppose it, or admit you support it.


Well-Known Member
More obfuscation from the apologists.

I never said anything about the MMAR being good, did I?If you knew shit about this issue, you would know we spent the last several years protesting the MMAR, before this.

Those of us who are old enough (not you obviously) know that the MMAR was bullshit, too, and the MMPR is just a new layer of bullshit on top of it.
15 year old kids lol. I'm in my 40's and have ben using medical marijuana for probably longer than you've been playing with yourself.. You make shit up and wave your hands rather than addressing my point, because you know you can't address my point without lying.
What point is he not addressing?


Well-Known Member
Why not boycott Metro and Loblaw...they are making money off hungry poor people and not giving away food for free.
Boycott the clothing stores that aren't giving away the clothes to the poor.
Boycott all hotels, they don't give away room for the night to the homeless...
Nope. banks, goodwill, shelters,....

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
I would only buy from an LP if it were legalized. I would never buy from them in the system we have now.
It's a shame some are forced into the system. I have always encouraged those folks to seek an alternative source.
But if that's all a person can do, well I won't chew on em. Hopefully they will only buy once and then buy ANYWHERE ELSE.
I'm pretty fair minded and realize that LP's at this point are the only alternative for some people.
I have helped some people find an alternative procurement method.
Personally I could NOT afford LP pricing. So for me LP's = no access.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, this forum has been taken over by those who want to pretend we can find a 'middle ground'. Just cooperate with Hitler and we can appease him! You don't negotiate with evil, you oppose it, or admit you support it.
This forum has had different viewpoints being voiced since I joined.


Well-Known Member
Please point out where exactly there is anything beginning to resemble an argument or even a valid point. Your first sentence is a statement of opinion. Your second paragraph is a reflection of your mood followed by girlish whining. No argument or even a glimmer of original thought. Try harder
[/QUOTE]TheDizzyBizzy, post: 11359266, member: 892990"]More fucking double speak apologies for corporate weed profiteers trying to make money of SICK AND DYING PEOPLE.

I'm tired of shills like you in this forum coming here and giving apologies for why shitty, greedy rich assholes charge too much for their weed. Oh, the MMPR made them build infrastructure? Boo fucking who! Take your ass over to Leafley with this bullshit, this is a forum for PATIENTS, not clowns and corporate whores.[/QUOTE]