question of weight for cannabutter with wet vs dry trim

I posted this question in the wrong place earlier so I will ask here:
I am making my first batch of cannabutter from my newly harvested trims. I researched and found conflicting information on using it dry or fresh. I went with fresh (no waiting, lol) because I had eaten something made by a friend that was good and strong and she started with it fresh. I used a food processor to grind it and its in the slow cooker now.
I used 2 and 1/4 oz of fresh trim and a pound of butter and covered it in water on low. I plan pn leaving it in the crock-pot 24 hours but I got to thinking afterward that 2 oz fresh is heavier than dried and I was trying to double the amount of cannabis.
What weight should it be fresh versus dried to make cannabutter? I used a recipe that called for 1 oz dried to 1 pound butter so is 2 oz fresh as good as 1 oz dried? lol

I should have throught of this before I started cooking it but I can add more anytime right?
Thanks for any replies.


I've used a 1/2z of dried bud, grind it once in hand grinder and spread it out onto cookie sheet, place in preheated oven set at 225 and let bake for 15 or 20 min. or until slightly brown, you can tell when it's time to take it out because of the smell. Then I pour it into a double boiler with 2 lbs of butter melting on low heat setting. keep on burner for about 1/2hr stirring occationally, let cool down and place in fridge over night. Return to stove next day (After 24 hr) reheat on low too melt butter, strain through fine mesh wire strainer and press as much liquid out of MJ content as I can. Toss out used MJ and pour strained canna butter into some molds and place back into fridge. Once harden I wrap in plastic and alum foil and place in freezed for storage. Tried using water to recover
additional butter from MJ content when in strainer but found it to be more of a waste of time, plus it diminishes the strength of the finished product once water is added. hope this helps you out. made lots of cookies and brownies this way and haven't had any problems and good results.