question on seedling..


Well-Known Member
Okay I got a seedling that is 6 days old today that has already sprouted and producing its leaves.

question, it has its two bottom round leaves and then its first set of real leaves growing as well as another node popping up right behind the first node.

is this normal? it is at or about 1 inch out of the soil. This is only my second year of growing and I know last year they were about 3-4 inches tall before producing its leaves.

I have a mixture of 3 parts sphagnum peat moss with one part potting soil and one part regular ol dirt. I will have pics of what I am talking about shortly.

edIT: I also have those little water crystals that expand as the soil dries out for added moisture in the soil.


how close is your light? i bet that your light it closer then last year... :) your plant will accommodate for the environmental changes you give it, so move your light farther away and you get a tall plant. A closer light gives you, smaller but mabbie the leaves are broader. also can depend on the strain of the plant.. for instance northern has a more lengthy growth then some other more bushy plants... peace and good luck


Well-Known Member
I have it under a 400w flouro about 1.5ft is what I was told. I bring it out during the day for 8-10hrs per day and keeping the top layer of soil lightly moist(watering once maybe twice during the day). I water once outside and then once before I bring it in under the light.

and last year it was strictly an outdoor grow never under any kind of light besides sunlight.

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
Yes thats normal..... I think seedling hight is strain dependant. The pure sativas i've germed really jump up there and stretch out early. The inicas stay low. :)


Well-Known Member
okay kool. I am glad I found this forum, very fast replies and very helpful answers! Thanks guys, and will get some pics of it asap! :D


Well-Known Member
I have another question...I have heard of adding eggs into your soil once a week to add calcium, is it recommended or necessary?


Man you can do that it's not exactly nessicary and off you are using good fertilizer it would have calcium in it bit If your not using fert then ya it promotes fast cell growth and if you want add coffie grinds on top of the soil as it provides high nitrogen content witch is also very helffull and keeps your plants healthy


Well-Known Member
I would just use compost or fertilizer if you want the nutrients.
You mean egg shells right? Because I don't think the plant would be able to absorb it from the egg shell unless it was broken down like in a compost first.


Well-Known Member
well the sphagnum peat moss I am using is already infused with miracle grow plant food.

ingredients in peat moss are as follows:

total nitrogen 0.05%
0.02% ammoniacal N
0.03% nitrate N

phosphate = .02%
potash = .04%

I also added 1 tsp of 'Soil Moist' Granules in with the soil mixture, in a 1 gal plant pot with the one seedling.

edIT: It is only 6 days old today. I will get pics in a few to show everyone!


Well-Known Member
Here are some pics for everyone to see! If you look closely you can see the second set of leaves already beginning!

let me know what yall think, honestly!



Well-Known Member
alright man, will do! Thanks a ton...will post pics up again in about a week or so for progress report!

:joint: blaze on bro..


Well-Known Member

Went and got the new cfl's today:D

Will be using two 26w 6500k Daylight bulbs for this one plant, will add more as I go on and eventually reduce it down to the two bulbs and add a couple 2700k closer to flowering.



Well-Known Member
another update!:D

Looking good so far, grow box that is. I ran across an old dresser drawer that was gutted out(no drawers, drawer braces removed) and turned it into a make shift grow box. It is perfect and for some reason it had a 5x13" cut out with a tight weaved screen nailed over it, I guess it will work well for ventilation purposes. Will be adding two small pc fans for air and exhaust.

I cleaned it all out really well, it is spotless. I covered the whole inside with foil and used what mylar I had left on the back. It is 1.5ft deep x 1.5ft tall x 3ft wide. I currently only have the two cfl's in place as of now.

I will get pics up as soon as I can come across a digi cam or other camera device. I only have a webcam and it doesnt reach that far:(


Well-Known Member
temporarily have a piece of white plastic over the front til I can find something else to replace it. I am thinking about a piece of fiberboard and cover it with some more mylar and attach it with henges and a sliding lock? thoughts?

I hope to see some good improvements, growth wise and what not...Happy!:joint: