

Active Member
what does 6-6-6-6 lighting do to the plants? is this a trick to speed up growth? how else does this affect growth? is it better for flowering?


Well-Known Member
I doubt anyone has tryed it here, but your going to
get the same response...It will turn hermie and focus
on seed production. Your buds will suffer.
Don't really know though. Can't see the benefit.

If your reffering to light poisoning for femenized
seeds, there are methods for that but I doubt
that is one.


Well-Known Member
what does 6-6-6-6 lighting do to the plants? is this a trick to speed up growth? how else does this affect growth? is it better for flowering?
It is worse for flowering. I was trying to figure out ways to give plants more light in flower with different spectrums but the plants really do need darkness.

Some people say they go as low as only 10 hours dark, but they still do the darkness all at once.

What I've learned from my research, is that during the day in flower the plants use red spectrums of lighting to convert PR to PFR. During the long night, PFR reverts back to PR, which you need to happen, and this process needs the longer dark period to complete.

If mairjuana was a long day plant instead of a short day plant we'd probably be able to mess with the lights more, but unfortunately even the indicas that can go with only 10 or 11 hours dark are still short day plants.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
what does 6-6-6-6 lighting do to the plants? is this a trick to speed up growth? how else does this affect growth? is it better for flowering?
Sounds weird to me, no offence dude. :mrgreen: The normal sun doesn't have those patterns. You may end up with a hermie or a really fucked up plant. :peace:


Well-Known Member
6 on 12 off works, i've seen two logs on ic done this way. yield was comparable to 12/12, but the issues of different times of lights on per day was a headache for both people. digital 7 day timers were used...


Well-Known Member
6 on 12 off works, i've seen two logs on ic done this way. yield was comparable to 12/12, but the issues of different times of lights on per day was a headache for both people. digital 7 day timers were used...
6 on 12 off is only 18 hours, and then if you went another 6 on after that 12 off, thats still 12/12 because then the two 6 hour periods are back to back.

do you mean 6 on 18 off? this could work as it gives the plants the long dark period, but as mentioned it would likely only be comparable to 12/12 (if not less yield IMHO)


Well-Known Member
no dear, i meant what i said. 7 day digital timer is key, because you are doing an 18 hour day, not a 24 hour day.

6 on, 12 off, 6 on, 12 off, 6 on, 12 off, 6 on, 12 off.....

each six hour lights on period is a day. these guys pulled crops down a few weeks early because of this (the whole reason for the schedule play). when yield vs time was figured, it was comparable, but aggravating.



Active Member
i think im going to experiment with what is the shortest light period and shortest dark period needed during veg. and flowering, this should make it easier to get harvest easier.