Questions about clones


Well-Known Member
So, I am currently growing some plants from seeds. Where I live I have not been able to find root stimulator anywhere. Ive asked at shops and they say they have never heard of it. They said you wouldnt need it???

My questions are:
If you arent able to use a root stimulator do you know of anything you can use to substitute it?

I have heard you can use honey which, is readily available here.

I also have found a b1 fertilizer. I am wondering if I could use that instead? If I make a very dilute concentration of it?

Any help would be great. I only have 12 seeds left and I will be making more but out of the 7 plants that I have I am hoping for at least 3 females so I will definitely need to do some cloning. Any help would be great.


Well-Known Member
You don't always need a root stimulator or rooting compound, many strains root well in just plain ph'd tap water. I've found no significant difference in cloning success rates with water vs. water plus root stimulator. The difference is in the length of time to form roots; the root stimulator usually shows roots up to a week earlier than plain water.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
You don't always need a root stimulator or rooting compound, many strains root well in just plain ph'd tap water. I've found no significant difference in cloning success rates with water vs. water plus root stimulator. The difference is in the length of time to form roots; the root stimulator usually shows roots up to a week earlier than plain water.

Good luck.
Thanks Knally, I actually wasnt sure if it was needed or not. Most videos and literature ive read have all mentioned using them. I now have some hope in cloning.


Active Member
I found rooting hormones at Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes, and any gardening store (agway and such) So I really can't figure out why you are having trouble finding it. It's a small bottle and comes in powder or gel form (I use powder but I heard the gel workes better).


Well-Known Member
I found rooting hormones at Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes, and any gardening store (agway and such) So I really can't figure out why you are having trouble finding it. It's a small bottle and comes in powder or gel form (I use powder but I heard the gel workes better).
Because not everyone lives in your neighborhood, town, county, or even country. If the this grower's info is correct, the grower is in Croatia. It could be a little different in Croatia than the US to acquire similar products.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
So, I am currently growing some plants from seeds. Where I live I have not been able to find root stimulator anywhere. Ive asked at shops and they say they have never heard of it. They said you wouldnt need it???

My questions are:
If you arent able to use a root stimulator do you know of anything you can use to substitute it?

I have heard you can use honey which, is readily available here.

I also have found a b1 fertilizer. I am wondering if I could use that instead? If I make a very dilute concentration of it?

Any help would be great. I only have 12 seeds left and I will be making more but out of the 7 plants that I have I am hoping for at least 3 females so I will definitely need to do some cloning. Any help would be great.
a rooting copound is always better. go to your hardware or walmart if you have one and get some take root. you can't go wrong their.:weed:


Well-Known Member
haha, 56 dollars. I dont live in Croatia. I live in China. I put a random country because some friends suggested I dont put China due to laws here. There is a Walmart here and I checked. Walmart is so different here, its not like the ones in the states. I wish it was.


Well-Known Member
haha, 56 dollars. I dont live in Croatia. I live in China. I put a random country because some friends suggested I dont put China due to laws here. There is a Walmart here and I checked. Walmart is so different here, its not like the ones in the states. I wish it was.
Interesting chinawas. If you are in China, I can probably help you out a little more than in Croatia. What City? What Province? Are you Chinese or other nationality.

My son got back last fall from a year of class in Chengdu. He has many, many friends in China... both American and Chinese and other nationalities. He will be going back in June for grad school, but his girlfriend is Chinese and here in the US in school.



Well-Known Member
I clone all the time by just taking a cutting and putting in water. It usually takes about 4 days to a week before I start seeing roots, but it works.


Well-Known Member
Interesting chinawas. If you are in China, I can probably help you out a little more than in Croatia. What City? What Province? Are you Chinese or other nationality.

My son got back last fall from a year of class in Chengdu. He has many, many friends in China... both American and Chinese and other nationalities. He will be going back in June for grad school, but his girlfriend is Chinese and here in the US in school.

Im in Anhui province near the city of Huainan. Im American, just preparing for school here. Studying Chinese for four years. Thats awesome that your son is going to grad school in China. Its definately a good experience and a lot cheaper.


Well-Known Member
So, I am currently growing some plants from seeds. Where I live I have not been able to find root stimulator anywhere. Ive asked at shops and they say they have never heard of it. They said you wouldnt need it???

My questions are:
If you arent able to use a root stimulator do you know of anything you can use to substitute it?

I have heard you can use honey which, is readily available here.

I also have found a b1 fertilizer. I am wondering if I could use that instead? If I make a very dilute concentration of it?

Any help would be great. I only have 12 seeds left and I will be making more but out of the 7 plants that I have I am hoping for at least 3 females so I will definitely need to do some cloning. Any help would be great.
You don't need root stimulator for cloning, save it for when it comes the time to pull the clones out the dome. I simply cut a 3-4 inches node on a 45degree angle cut... over that i make a lil cut on the stem and dip on the rooting gel.... i grab mine at walmart for 5$.. put the clone in ph balanced rw cube and put half inch of ph'ed 6.0 water in the dome... usualy after a week roots start to show up... i have 95% success rate with this method... and the 5% unsucceed was kinda my fault anyway...

Hope yours go 100%!:weed:


Well-Known Member
You don't need root stimulator for cloning, save it for when it comes the time to pull the clones out the dome.
I simply cut a 3-4 inches node on a 45degree angle cut... over that i make a lil cut on the stem and dip on the rooting gel.... i grab mine at walmart for 5$..

Hope yours go 100%!:weed:
Rooting gel is a root stimulator. Don't people read these posts before throwing in their 2 cents worth.