Questions about Lowflife Auto AK47's


New Member
I currently have 2 Lowife Auto AK's that are about 1 week old in 16oz cups ( the rest never sprouted .. DA FUCK?! ) and I have a few questions ..

1. I have them under 4 26w daylight cfls at the moment. When is the ideal time to move them to under my new 400W MH/HPS ?

2. Should I put them straight under the HPS or should I run the MH for a cpl weeks first before going to the HPS?

3. When should I transplant them out of the 16oz cups?

4. I have 1 galllon and 5 gallon grow bags. Would the 1 gallon bags be good enough for the Autos ( after transplanting from the current 16oz cups ) to finish in?

Thats about it I think.. I look forward to any replies..thx


Active Member
Thats pretty funny because im growing an auto ak as well at just under a week. I planted this one straight into a 2 gallon bucket with 4 42watt CFL's. I would recommend transplanting within the next week and the bigger the container the better. What light schedule are you using?


Active Member
Yea i figured i would let them grow the first week under 24/0, then switch to 20/4 for the rest. I have one auto ak and one auto white widow


Active Member
1. If they have sprouted, get them out of the cups and transplant them into at least a two gallon, I use 5 gallon pots. Start right away with the 400 wt MH. Is the light sealed so you can vent the heat? Use the MH for the full veg cycle, at least a month. Then switch over to the HPS.
2. Stick with the 5 gallon bags. Bloom under the HPS and veg under the MH.

Good Luck.


New Member
thanks for the replies..

Im running 20/4 and will do so the entire grow..

They are only about 1'' tall atm. 1 is a lil behind the other as it sprouted a day or so later..So I should go ahead and transplant them now into the 5 gallon bags and put em under the MH?

No cooltube..I just have a reg reflector but I have 4 120mm PC fans on the side for intake and 1 200mm ( the huge Antec "Big Boy" fan ) plus 2 more 120mm ( total of 3 exhaust )fans for exhaust on the celing of my cab


Well-Known Member
Well dont lose hope in the ones that havent sprouted cuz it can take up to two weeks to sprout man. normal for AK for some reason. Mine didnt sprout till nine days old. Im two weeks into flowering now. 4 more weeks


New Member
Can someone post the best way for me to move these seedlings to the 5g bags with the least risk of fucking them up? Im going to do it tonight ( now ).

thanks again

EDIT.. NM. ill just make a new thread on transplanting..


Well-Known Member
well it might be messy but you should probably transplant into the biggest container so you dont have to tp again. just tip the plant with your fingers lightly around the stem with your palm against the soil and turn it upside down over the sink and tap it gently out. Then in your 5 gal pot/bag should have at least 3/4 full of fresh soil and then plce seedling into top of soil and add more soil on top so that its flush. lightly press the dirt around it and water it 3 to 6 hours later. hope that hepls. best done when youve waterd the seedling for a couple of weeks before transplant though. the water compresses the soil so that it just pops out all in one peice. Make sure the soil is 50% dry or more to ease the process, hope i helped.


Well-Known Member
I haven't grown the auto ak's, but I've been growing Lowryder 2's for a year. I would transplant as soon as you can. I have grown in 1 gallon pots before and they finish about 1/2 the size of the ones I've grown in the 2 1/2 gallon pots. I have also grown them in a 10 gallon rubbermaid tote and they didn't grow much bigger than the ones in the 2 1/2 gallon pots. I have mine under 18/6 as recommended by the joint doctor (the creator of Lowryder). I think Lowlife recommends 20/4 though so maybe that's your best bet. Seedlings are pretty fragile, and Lowryder's seedling stage is 15-20 days so I'd probably leave them under the cfl's for at least the first 7-10 days and then move them under the MH. It is said by the Joint doctor that there is pretty much no veg stage so after the 15-20 days they go straight into flower and do so for the next 40-45 days. I know there will be some minor differences between the LR and LR X AK47 but they are probably very similar in most ways. Here is a link to the Lowryder grow guide, maybe it can help you a little bit with things you're thinking or maybe haven't thought of yet....


Well-Known Member
Can someone post the best way for me to move these seedlings to the 5g bags with the least risk of fucking them up? Im going to do it tonight ( now ).

thanks again

EDIT.. NM. ill just make a new thread on transplanting..

Maybe cut the bottom of the cup off and then make a cut on the side of the cup from top to bottom but make sure you hold the cup together and set it in the hole in the soil and then spread the cup apart at the slit and lift it out. I just thought of that, so I have no idea if it will work.


Active Member
What are your seedlings in? As soon as mine sprout a root 1/2 long, I remove it from the bio-tube that I sprout thit in with sterile tweezers. In my pot, I fill it up to the top minus 2-3 inches. I use a spoon to create a slit in my BioBizz Soilless Soil, and gentle place the seedling/sprout in it with the root down of course. I leave an inch because my seeds always take off like a bat out of hell, as soon as they do, I add just a little more soil and this does wonders for the stalk.
Oh, make sure the soil is moist and keep it moist for at least a week, then go to a regular H2o schedule.


Well-Known Member
I just got my Auto AK 47 seeds. they say to start them out in 5 litre pots which is what? 3-4 gallon pots. which I have a 8" flower pot is that ok? I am only gonna do 2 autos at the sametime. and have 5 CFLS. 4 26 6500k daylight and 1 42 day light


New Member
Only 2 out of 5 germed.I started mine in 16oz cups with FF happy frog soil for 1 week under 4 26W daylight CFL's.I just transplanted mine into 5 gallon grow bags filled only about 2/3 of the way, not all the way with FF Happy Frog soil and then rolled the bags down to take up the rest of the room in the bag. I realy doubt the auto AK's will need over 3 Gallons of soil to be honest.I put them under a 400W MH and had the light about 1 foot away ( bad idea ). Today I noticed 2 brown patches on the larger of the 2 on top of 2 of the leafs but not underneath.. Not big spots..More like small narrow long "patches" ( 1 on each of 2 leaves ) Im pretty sure that I just had the light too close and they got too hot because all ive given them is distilled water .I moved the light up to a height of 2 1/2 ft above the seedlings and im thinking that will be good.. I will be starting on a small 1/4 strength mix of distilled water and Tiger Bloom next week.. I have some Grow Big, but given the short veg period of the Auto AK's I figure that starting on the grow big then immediately switching to tiger bloom will run a higher risk of causing nute probs rather than going straight to tiger bloom.SO I am skipping the grow big for the auto's. Any advice is always welcome.



Well-Known Member
yes. I am using FFOF soil and the trio pack of FF nutes. did u use Big bloom at teh start of the first week of the plant? and not use grow big at all??


Well-Known Member
As soon as your ak seeds germ did u put them straight into 20-4 light? how often do you water and such on?


New Member
I havent used any nutes thus far.. I am going to skip the grow big and go straight to 1/4 tiger bloom next week ( week 2 1/2 ) .. I didnt buy the big bloom. Just grow big and tiger bloom.