Questions About My Room


Active Member
Hi everyone thanks for looking.

Im very new to the growing scence and harvested my 4th last week. It produced maybe a half (14g). The first 3 all grew at equal times, now I know I stunted these with over watering, these in total procued 24g's. I now have a plant to be ready every two weeks.

My problem is I keep trying to get everything right but all the plants still growing the same like they all going to be 14 grammers. My temp in the day is around 18 - 19 degrees and night around 16. Humidity in the day 45 - 65. Night ive seen it up to 70 - 80. I use one 400 watt HPS with a flat tillted to one side hood. I stack the younger ones on object to make them all as close to the light as possible, I now try to feed as little as I can get away with ( I dont starve them). I use Terra Flores until I start to see them flower then i start using terra boost and 3 weeks before end I start using pk 13/14.

I have put it down to 2 thing. 1. Not enought light and 2. Maybe to small when they start 12/12.

[edit]They are all of the Cali Orange Family

I have read up alot though and not sure if the light is right or not its quite close to them. One thing I did notice is that the bigger one wernt getting much light towards the bottom of the plant so I moved them from directly under the light about 10 inches so the light gets the bottoms aswell.

They normally go in at a height of around 7 - 9 inches, and by the time they are cut they gave grown to about 27 inches.

Its just where there is buds its never alot, like you see some people with one whole big cola, my dont come close to merging together, its all small seperate buds.

If anyone can help me I would be very greatful :)



Well-Known Member
u should start 12/12 around 2 close to 3 ft my man and other then that it not about light it matter on lumens my man


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU :hump:
Maybe your bulb is on its last legs....container too small? Hard to believe that everything is going well and you only end up with 14g. How about sticking with a grow nute and a bloom nute and a standard feeding schedule.

Got any pics? That would maybe help a bit :hump:


Active Member
Well I thought I should grow them bigger just wonderd if this is my problem. If I put a plant in at 8 inches should it only produce 14grams?


Well-Known Member
no atter how tall it get after flower usally double it size in flower u mit get a ouche off it my man


Active Member
Well bone this is intereseting, I started with the bigger 10 liter ( i think) square ones but my room is only 1mx1m so I half the post size, the first one in half sized pot is doing better than any have so far, but stil looking short on anything lol. I have a crappy phone camera, ill try get sum pics.


Active Member
The ones ive pulled up iver checked there root system (the ones in the big buckets) and the roots completely fill the bucket and pokin out the water holes. So I dont think its the roots


Well-Known Member
I'm no expert by any means, but if the roots have completely filled the pots AND are sticking out the bottom, I'd guess they are probably rootbound. That would explain stunted growth right? I am only on my first grow but am also in a 1mx1m closet(actually a bit smaller) growing 5 plants under a 600w. So similar setup. Mine are turning into monsters and are budding pretty well, and I started to flower at around 12inches I'd guess. Might be worth checkin my journal in my sig to see if you're doin anything majorly different.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
It is a matter of growing them bigger in veg. I veg until they are 18"-24" and get good results flowering with a 400 watter. It will make all the difference in the world. I have found that if I veg them taller than that I do not get good light penetration through to the bottom of the plant. I have started using a palm technique that removes the bottom 1/3 of the plant 2 weeks before flowering and it really explodes the growth on the rest of the plant.


Active Member
Well im thinking of starting my own nursery. What bulb should I get? Ive heard it can even be done of 20 watt energy efficent lights. lol


Well-Known Member
If they are rootbound mate, that means you need to get bigger pots. So the roots can continue to grow and consequently so can your plants.

And yeah u can use CFL's. I have 2 closets, veg and flower. I use 4 x 26w CFL (6500K colour spectrum - bright white) to veg and I keep them around 2inches from the top of each plant. 2 above each. This is an absolute minimum too. Really you could do with 10-12 CFL's (so I read) but so long as I keep mine close they bush out well at the bottom. I vegged for around 4-5 weeks (so they're about 12-15") and then stuck em in my flower closet under the 600w. My second batch have been veggin around a month now and altho I lost a weeks growth thru forgettin about them (got a bit excited when the 1st batch started buddin lol) they are growing strong.

I think as Little Tommy said, you have the right light, the right environment (providing they ain't rootbound) and everythin else sound fine, so it must be down to when you're switchin to flower and how tall they are at that point etc.

You say you feed and water as little as possible, is it perhaps that if you leave it a little too long, the plants have to spend a day recovering after each feed/water? I'm not sure. You haven't really specified how often u do feed, but it's good to establish a routine so I hear. Mine get watered every 3 days. and as they've got bigger I've increased the amount. But again, this might not suit you. My pots dry quite quickly because of the heat from the 600w and the small closet.

Might not be any of the above, I'm just trying to cover all the bases and give ya some ideas mate.


Active Member
I would say they get watterd every other day depending on how fast they dry out. The ones in flower get just under a litre.

So do you think the plant could get root bound in a 10 littre pot?


Well-Known Member
10 litre? erm,.. probably not no. and you're watering sounds about the same as mine. hmmm,.. stumped mate. Could be that your bulb is on it's way out.