Questions B4 I start my FIRST GROW


Active Member
Hello, and thanks for your input,

To start this is my first grow, I am working in a { 4 x 4 x 5.5 } closet. (I'll get back with you to make sure those are the correct measurements).

This is what I have on my list of things to get, but some questions:

1.) Should I use soil or rockwall or both?
1b.) What is the difference
2.) Using a tent what wattage lighting system should I be using? What light do you recommend between all the diff kinds.. there are a TON!
3.) I am planning on growing about 9 plants. Does that sound right for my space?

List: (everything, if I'm missing one little thing tell me)
10 Feminized Seeds (Widow or ICE ?)
1000W (HPS) High Pressure Sodium Lighting Systems
Secret Jardin - The Dark Room 120
7-Day Grounded Digital Programmable Timer
Ventilation Fan:
Carbon filter:
Reflecting Lining:
Compost (Rockwool):
Pots (10lt):
Thermometer w/ humidity:
Electronic PH Scale:
Cloning Solution:
chain/rope 4 lights:
Watering Pales:

I'm expecting 2.5oz - 3.5oz (70g - 100g) of yield per plant...
Is this anyway near accurate?