Quick After Harvest Question.


Active Member
Light degrades THC, trichs, what ever you wanna say. So you leave it in the dark. But is it as sensitive to light as when its in flowering 12/12? So will a little minor light leakage fuck up everything, like if it were flowering? Or its not as sensitive?
Thanks For Comments

South Texas

Well-Known Member
In 12/12, any light brighter than the moon will fuck up the plants brain. Total darkness, that is the rule. After harvesting, yeah, light kills the THC. Does that answer your question?


Active Member
Lmao. No offense, but all you did was basically repeat what i said with a little twist... All i want to know is, after harvest... ITS HANGING!. Is it as sensitive to light as it is when its flowering? So with a minor light leak will that cause drops in thc and destruction?
Thank You:hug:


Well-Known Member
Short answer no. Only strong and direct light would have any immediate effect on your crop. Long term light exposure even at small amounts could potentially effect the overall amount of THC in your crop but I am talking long term like months and months of sustained exposure. You will be fine just don't leave it in the sun.


Well-Known Member
No, definately not in the way you describe.

Light can be bright, something like the intensity of direct sunlight will start to degrade the THC, after time.

What you're asking is if your dry room has to be completely dark? No, it'll be fine.

How would you trim/ manicure in darkness?

I keep mine in clear glass mason jars, THC degradation doesn't really happen (unrecognizable) in normal inside lighting.


Active Member
Sigh... Ill accept that minimal answer... And just X outta roll it up... Lol... I love this site, been on it longer then most... Its taught me a lot.. I think im done with this site for a little while though... That was my que to exit... Lmao Gotta Loveeee South Texas!:clap: (Grabs Head Give Huge Kiss On The Cheek!) ;-) Later My Brotha. Happy Growing And Best Of Luck To Ya. :-P

South Texas

Well-Known Member
My mistake.. I didn't know people dried in mason jars. Stupid me, I thought that was just for curing. I also didn't realize people trimmed while the plants were hanging. I've got a LOT to learn, it seems.